
Hi everyone, Im new to this site and have been overwelmed reading others posts about their experiences sometimes it has brought tears to my eyes, I found a lump about a week ago in my right breast Im 40 years old it was strange because my breasts felt a little sore and it was in the moment that I checked them and found the lump, its quite small and moveable I dont know what to make of it, put the soreness down to being due a period and this may or may not be the case, anyway I went to the doctors the following day for an examination and Dr R is a woman doctor and so genuine I refuse to see anyone else, she said that it felt orite it was soft and moveable and she didnt think it was a concern however because she did not have xray eyes she would send me for a scan but it could take 14 weeks, i couldnt believe it nhs these days anyway she then said she could push it through in 3 weeks I told her I could not cope with the wait and I had private insurance with bupa and would she refer me which she did immediately this was on the 14/9/2010 so I had a phone call on the 14th to let me know the appt was on the 22/09 not bad just over a week to wait for scan in bupa and same day results, worse week of my life have ad some awfull negative thoughts about being dealt a bad card and my life is going to end thinking of my kids and hubby a lot in tears mostly when im on my own so the kids cant see me i cant be without my family they are all i have i just cant cope with not knowing if i have bc i feel so emotional but know i need to be strong my hubby says everything is going to be ok and my best mate but they dont know whats ahead i just feel tha im thinking the worse all the time and i must stop even the the doc was positive and i know i shouldnt worry but i cant help it, sorry for moaning ppl on here have had such a bad time and i feel bad moaning but i needed to let it all out, it wont be too bad tmro cos im working and wont have time to get upset but my mamogram is wed with bupa in cardiff fingers crossed for me ay and say a little prayer as well cos deep down i know i got another purpose in life i want to start my social work degree next september thanks forlistening i feel better ive let it all out xx

Hi Nicola,

Sorry your having a bad time, it is so hard waiting for tests and not knowing. It just throws your life up in the air. I’m glad you don’t have too much longer to wait and that you will get your results that day. It’s the not knowing that’s the worst you don’t know what your dealing with if anything. Try to take it easy and it’s good you came on and let it out, you can always get support here.

I hope your results are good will keep my fingers crossed for you. Let us know how you get on

Lots of love

Jayne xxxx

Hi Nicola,

I totally understand your worry as I am going through the same thing. My appointment is tomorrow and whilst I’ve only had to wait a few days, they have seemed very long ones. It is hard not to think about all the bad things that could happen; I’ve had a few sleepless nights too. The waiting is very hard because of the uncertainty!

You will find lots of wonderful support here at BCC. Good luck with your appointment, I hope it’s good news!

Kim x

Hi Nicola and Kim,
You have both come to the right place. You can get everything you are thinking out in the open, and we all on here undestand, because we have been there too.
Its the worst time ever this wait for your first appointment, but you both dont have long now, so fingers crossed that you both get good news.
lots of love and luck to you both, let us know how you get on.
Sharon x

Hi Girls

I’m a Newbie too, I found my lump on the 3rd Aug 2010 was I in My doctors room within 30 mins and had a call from my Local Breast clinic the next morning, appt was booked for the 13th, I had a Biopsy and had to wait till the 31st Aug for the results, I have a Lumpectomy on 4th Oct, for the first time I feel the NHS was there for me and I am extremely grateful to them, the only reason my Operation is at a later date is because I chose to wait for a particular surgeon.

During the waiting period my Nerves were completely stretched I nearly cracked completely and needed sleeping tablets every other night for a month before I began to feel stronger, reason being on the 7th Aug I was spitefully told at a Family wedding that my Husband had had an affair and they had all met her and so had I at his 50th Birthday party last year, my life totally fell apart, I wouldn’t wish either situation on my worst enemy let alone coping with both at the same time but I did and have and feel proud of myself:) I still have a long way to go and a new future to pan out, hopefully oneday in the far future I might even find someone who can look past my surgery, its only been 5 weeks and I’m still getting used to things but I’m not frightened anymore, not even worried about the surgery, besides the hatred and Anger I feel towards him, I realise I am stronger then I thought and can and will get through all this.
I’m not looking for sympathy, I just needed to get this off my chest.
Carol, so thanks:)

thanks for your support ladies, I will definately let you all know how I get on tmro my mammogran is 4.15pm and I should get results same day with bupa or so they say so that has made me feel better, i have had a good week so far as I have kept myself busy working not really eating but working and sleeping, just have to wait and see I suppose, I will keep you all updated I find your messages really inspiring so thanks again nicola x