
Never joined a forum never had cancer b4. Been a roller coaster since 14th June when I found lump - two ops, lots of waiting for results 3 cycles of chemo (3 to go) now writing on 1st forum. V +ve @ 1st - now losing it. Where can I get help - v teary all the time - not functioning v well. Married - he tries bless him - no family support - one child - one dog. Went back to work but unable to go today - not eating not sleeping can’t bear cooking or cooking smells - think I’m going crazy - shout @ the hubby & child. Don’t even like myself. History of depression. Normally kicks in this time of year but with the cancer & chemo 10x worse. Help!!!

Hello Sherina,


I’m so very sorry you are having a difficult time at the moment. The best thing I can sugges is perhaps you could ring the free helpline on here. The number is 0808 800 6000. It is open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, and 10am until 2pm on Saturdays. Do you have a Maggie’s centre near you? They are a brilliant resource for support and advice too, Their website has details of where the centres are, If there is one close to you it might be helpful to pop in. Otherwise, try their online community.


Sending you big hugs and best wishes.


poemsgalore xx 

Hi Sherina and welcome to the forums, I am sorry to read that you are having a rough time

As poemsgalore has kindly suggested, it may help to talk things through with one of our helpliners, they are on hand with practical and emotional support for you so do feel free to call.

Here’s a link to further support ideas from BCC such as our live chats which are held Thursday evenings 8.30-9.30 pm, you can read more here:

Take care
Lucy BCC