
Hi everyone. I’ve just been diagnosed this week so still in shock. I live in Germany right now so I’m reliant on support from hubby and friends but I know I will get that in spades. I joined in the hope that I can keep myself sane and have some likeminded people to chat to and beat this thing with. Good luck to you all x

Hi Tan1972

Whilst waiting for replies you might find it helpful to call our Helpline to talk things over.  They’ll be able to offer practical information as well as emotional support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays UK times.  The phone number (+44) 20 7620 0077.

With best wishes

June, moderator

I was diagnosed at the beginning of December, mastectomy booked for the 17th, then MRI showed possi problems in the other breast! More biopsies! Results yesterday, two clear, but hadn’t done the expected third! Now waiting on another biopsy appointment before surgery on the 14th Jan! The waiting is not my area of strength! Keep smiling!