I am sure that everybody goes through the same questions but I have found It quiet hard to get onto the forum. Anyway I have recently had surgery (3 weeks ago today ) and the sentinel nodes removed. I am experiencing quite a lot of breast pain and wonder how long this will last. I am also due to see the oncologist next week and am feeling nervous and emotional as I don’t know what to expect. I know I will have to have radiology but have been reading conflicting things about creams etc. one thing I would like to tell everybody is how important it is to have really good fitting bras. I hope somebody reads this post.
Hi Flapjack88 and welcome to the BCC forums where I am sure you will soon find support and shared experiences from your fellow users. In addition, please feel free to call our helpliners for further practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays
Here’s a link to the BCC ‘I’m having treatment’ information and further support ideas, there is a link to what to expect after surgery called ‘Your operation and recovery’ which you may find helpful too:
Take care
Lucy BCC
Hi flapjack
I had surgery 3 weeks ago - Mx, full node clearance and immediate implant with strattice/mesh. It is a hard place to be isnt it. I have a very hard, high up wide breast at the moment, especially feels bulgy under my arm, and a strange shape. I am hoping over time it will drop down a bit but if not I suppose I can live with it. I have to have chemo, rads and letrozole for 10 years. I have a long road ahead. Radiotherapy had never been mentioned to me until last week, when I went to get my results. So I am very upset and angry about that. Had they even just mentioned it might be a possibility, I would have had it in the back of my mind. I was so shocked when they told me, because I dont think I would have had an implant had I known, because rads can muck up an implant. Now waiting to have a bone density scan and a heart scan before I can start chemo. I went last friday for the results, no letters yet for scans, its now wednesday. Seem to have spent the last three months waiting for one thing or another. Frustrating isnt it? Be good to keep in touch. Take Care - Val