
Hi my name is Sue and this is my first time on here. I had a mastectomy with axilla clearance on 3rd March. Came home 3 days later with a drain in. Feeling fine just a bit tired.I get my results on Friday and find out whether I need any further treatment. Tried mastectomy bra on today with comfie but cant seem to get them to match up, has anyone else had this problem.

Hi Suesad,
Welcome to this site, you will find plenty of women (and men) willing to help. I had my mastectomy on the 19th Feb and like you I found difficult to get the “softie” to match.
You need to play a lot with the filling, I emptied it completely and gradually added some and checking. It is difficult to check it yourself as from the top the view is not the same and I could not figure out what was wrong in the mirror. I did not want to ask my daughter and my husband to help, so decided to try a little longer and made sure I was wearing loose tops, so if it was not perfect it would not show. It is funny how I paid so much attention to this, while by two boobs were never the same size anyway.

Good luck for your results, I hope it is all good news.

Thanks Sophie, I didnt realise you could play about with the softie. I have asked my mother-in-law to help me with it tomorrow if my drain comes out (fingers crossed). My mum died 18 years ago, she had breast cancer then lung cancer 15 years later. Thanks for the good luck wish for results.