
Hello all you strong ladies,
Having had a mastectomy 8 years ago, was diagnosed cancer in other breast in June. After lumpectomy now waiting to see oncologis. Team say there is a case for weekly Taxol, Herceptin, aroma tase inhibitors & radiotherapy. Tumour was small and clear lymph node but I had Er+ & HER2+ Cancer, hence the proposed treatment. My question is what can I do ahead of treatment to help with possible side effects? Your collective help would be so appreciated & hugs and positive thoughts go out to you all. ?

Hi I’m so sorry to hear that you now have cancer in your other breast Cookie.  The forum is a great place for support. It’s especially good if you can join a specific monthly chemo thread when you start your treatment as people can share their experiences and make suggestions,  I’m on the June 18 thread and have had so much good advice from others,  also we try to help each other and acknowledge when there are the inevitable tough times.   I have synchronous bilateral cancer.  I had Breast preserving surgery and then a re-excision but more cancer cells were found so I am having chemo before a mastectomy at the beginning of next year.

i am now on weekly Taxol.  I’ve been told it’s a ‘kinder’ regime than some.  I was very nauseous on AC and developed hand/foot syndrome on docetaxol which is why I’m now on Packlitaxel.


In terms of what to do ahead of treatment I found it helpful to be prepared for the side effects. 

Definitely worth buying some heavy duty moisturiser for your hands and feet as they get very dry.  I also painted my nails dark navy and this seems to be helping to prevent  nail problems.  Get as much rest as you can because the chemo causes fatigue and it’s accumulative.  It’s worth filling the freezer with food in case you do not feel up to cooking,  Also accept offers of help.  I found this very hard at the beginning as I like to be independent, but it’s necessary.  People don’t always know what to say or do and I have found that my friends and family really want to help out as it’s a way they can show support.  I have a lady who cooks a meal for me and my family once a week.  It’s so helpful. 


Its always worth browsing the other threqds that might be relevant and you can and you can see how others are getting on.


Take Care Cookie and come and say Hi ion the June 18  chemo starter thread sometime.  


Waiting for resuots is never nice b ut youll have a much much clearer idea of what to expect once you see the oncologist.  Good luck.


Clare x