
Hi everyone I have just found out I have secondaries in a lymph node above my collar bone and spot on my sternum, finished treatment in March, diagnosed Oct 2013 had 2 surgeries, chemo, radio, and 12months herceptin. Didn’t think I would be back here again especially this soon had 3cm grade 3 with 2 lymph nodes so had good prognosis. Can’t believe it am only 42 with 2 young girls. Very upset and scared. Just started my first dose of capecitabine this morning a bit nervous about the side effects but glad to be doing something to fight this thing. Just wanted to say hello ?. ?. Xxx

Hi tri - so sorry to hear your news. It’s a very scary place to be but as you settle into your treatment plan hopefully you will begin to feel in a better place. A lot of us hang out on the bone mets thread regardless of dx so when you feel ready introduce yourself and lots of ladies will be along to say hi and take this journey with you. This forum is a godsend for us ladies so hopefully you’ll find it a wealth of advice and support.
Hope se’s from Cape aren’t too bad.


Hi,tri,so sorry you are joining us. You will get lots of support from the wonderful ladies on here. We hang out as chocolate said bone mets or the cyber cafe( where believe it on not ,we have a laugh) the SEs of cap aren’t too bad and is classed as an easier chemo. One thing I would recommend is get lots of creams in and start applying it now to hands and feet. Vaseline on top of cream helps too. There’s a great thread about cap on here,so have a look. When your ready pop into the cyber cafe for a chat and a cake.
Huge hugs,Helen xxxxxx

Hello tri, so sorry you have to join us. I was diagnosed with bone mets from the start, twelve years ago, was also in my early 40’s. Good Luck with Capecitabine, I had a long run with it, 4 and a half years, I hope you do too. X

Hallo Tri, just wanted to say hallo as I have secondary in my hilar lymph node. This was found in July 2013 and I have been very successfully on Capecitabine since. I have found it very doable compared with IV chemo ( I’ve got a long history of primary breast cancer going back 20 years with many local recurrences) I do take anti sickness tablets and lots of creams! I hope you settle into your new “normal” and use this forum for inspiration, everyone on here is lovely xxx