Newly Diagnosed - 25th October


I turned 39 two weeks ago and was diagnosed yesterday with Breast Cancer. I found a lump about 3 weeks ago which was painful, went to my doctor and was referred to clinic. Yesterday I had mammo, ultrasound, needles in two lumps and a biopsy in one (back on tuesday for the other which did not show cancer cells through fluid taken by needle, this lump is under my arm and is small). I also had bloods taken and a chest xray. Tomorrow I am going for a bone scan. I won’t know the extent until all tests are done and results back to consultant. I have been told I shall get a mastectomy.

My life has been turned upside down which I know you all understand.

I have an eighteen year old daughter (turns nineteen in December). I have a wonderful family.

This forum is great and I have been reading it since I found the lump. Have only registered today.

Hi Anng

Sorry you have to join us but there are loads of great ladies on here that can help you through this tough time. I bet your emotions are all over the place as mine were and still are. As everyone will tell you the waiting is the worst part but once you have a date for treatment you can start planning and will have something to work towards.

Love and (((Hugs)) xxxx

So sorry to hear your news. Yes we have all been there and know all to well what you are going through. Once you have your results it is alot easier to rationalise and see the way through it. I wish you the very best. Take Care.

Sending you a hug, we all need one from time to time. Karen (eddyclan)

Thank you ladies. I just wish the waiting was over.


Hi Anng, what a terrible time for you. Having the tests will show you what you are dealing with. Not knowing is much worse. Once the treatment plan is in place and begins you will feel better. Don’t think or read to far ahead. One day at a time. You will get through this. I was diagnosed in Aug 2010 and have three more herceptin to go. I also had surgery last week, having part of my kidney removed. But the end is in sight and life is getting back to normal. Big hug xx

Thanks blueyegirl, good to hear you are doing well.

Had my bone scan today, hopefully results will be soon.



Wishing you all the best and lots of positive thoughts

Liz xxx

Anng hun ((((BIG HUG))))

I know the waiting is horrendous - I cannot think of such a stressful time in my 42 years…ever…where I have been under so much stress and anxiety and I am nearly always such a positive person - but boy…this rocked me.

But its true that once you know your results and then your treatment plan…a sudden sense of calm arrives. I know that sounds really weird and I thought that when the lovely ladies on here told me the same thing…but its true…you will feel an ease up in your anxiety.

Im still sitting here, with my cancer (or less of it as I have had an initial op) but my chemo starts in 14 days and I have every faith in my care team to pull me out the other side.

Stay close to us - we will probably need your support as much as you need ours.

Much love xxxx

What lovely comments, thanks ever so much.

Hope your chemo goes well and yes I shall be here for you ladies too!

How things change though, I was accepted to run the london marathon. One night I was booking my hotel and the next day I found the lump.

I am positive though and will hopefully remain that way :o)


Anng sorry you have had to join us. The waiting is the pits …but these forums,the helpline and information you can download or order is second to none.
It is o nice to know on sleepless nights when you have had the steroids pre chemo or just can’t sleep you have somebody who understands that you can communicate with.
Hope you get some sleep.
Cackles xx


Sorry you have to join our club but keep posting on here and the support you will get will be fantastic. There is usually someone on here night or day who can answer andy questions. I had my Mx on 13th Oct and it is not as bad as you imagine. Just more uncomfortable than painful. This site is a mine of information and virtual hand holding. All the ladies are wonderful and truly understand how you are feeling.

Sending you all my best wishes M

wishing you all the very best for your results anng, big hugs xx

Thanks Katytc.

Got my results of bone scan and chest x-ray, all clear. Such a relief!

Core biopsy of lump under arm done this morning.

Hopefully next monday I will know my treatment plan.

Great news anng, I hope that things continue to go well for you.

Take care Carolyn x