And Flippin forgot - if i don’t hear from you before, I’m in your pocket on the 4th to take care of you. You’ll feel me fidgetting around initially just to let you know I’m there (attention seeking perhaps), but then ALL will be CAAALM. All of us on here will be thinking of you. TRY not to worry - try to distract yourself as much as poss leading up to. xx
Gaynor, another P.s. - Are you on your own in this ?? Or do you have a good supportive partner, family, friends ?? I hope so.
Waiting on results or, as you are, surgery - SUCKS !!! My advice to you until Friday (if you’re not working so don’t have that as a distraction) would be to spend all your time this week pampering yourself mentally and physically. Such as :- Go get yourself a nice massage, espesh your neck and shoulders, have a facial, buy some new uplifting music cds and have a good bop, spend as much time as poss in the company of your favourite people, watch only comedy progs or nice romcoms on tv. Whatever “floats your boat” basically. Buy loads of your favourite healthy foods to feed your body up.
Plus spend time on this Forum. Everyone here has been through what you’re going to. You’ll have very understanding, listening ears and have a giggle at the same time.That’s when you’re not too busy going out having a good time that is of course.
Thinking of you, stay in touch as much as you can this week - hey?
Loadsa love Dellywelly xx
Hi Gaynor,
I had a sentinal node biopsy at the very end of August. I certainly didn’t have a blue face although I remember reading that it can make you look rather “grey and ashen” for a while, like you look ill. I still have a small blueish/grey mark about the size of a penny just outside my nipple area where I think they injected the dye but I only notice it in certain lights and it is fading. A colleague who had BC a few years ago told me that the skin on her breast remained blue for about four months but did eventually disappear. Good luck with your surgery. I found it a lot less traumatic than I thought I would and hope you do too.
Hi again Gaynor,
I’m with you on the EMOTIONAL, me too. 'cept I’m a faaar more OPENLY emotional person after my BC exp[erience + a whole load of other major stuff. I think it’s a good thing as long as you let it out ("Let it Gooo, Let it gooo - as in the incredibly popular “Frozen” - I finally got to watch it tonight - BRILL, GREAT !! Now know what everyone’s been ravibg about). Hows your husband coping with your diagnosis and impending treatment? Is he fantastically supportive?
I don’t know how much time you spend on the Forum, but if you haven’t already, you could do to look into the Going through treatment / Surgery section. I think you may find answers there to your Sentinal Node Biopsy queries. I was just before they brought it into this country. Of course it was being used in the states 8 years prior to over here, but we’re always behind. Their “set-up” of course is PRIVATELY funded so they can afford all the latest advances, as oppo to our wonderful NHS system which is sadly becoming poorer and poorer. Also, you may want to “post” and ask the same questions on the "Just diag and wanting to talk to People . . " on this same section. It’s a general type of thread, daily exchange of treatments, experiences etc. really, with all sorts of different experiences behind it. The more posts you pose your questions on and spend a bit of time looking into, the more info you’ll get on it all and the more “easier” you will feel. Trust me - I have a round neck!! Everybody has a round neck so it’s a joke. No seriously, do trust what I and other people say to you on here. The likes of Peggycat, I’m not so sure!! I’m teasing Gaynor! Peggycat (Ruth) knows what I’m like.
Gaynor, the most difficult time for you will be waiting on the results from your lumpectomy - it’s like TORTURE. Once you get those you know more “what’s what” and be able to either get as close back to norm as you were, Or have to gird yourself up for whatever further treatment is required. If that’s the case - you WILL, and it won’t be half a bad as you think it will - much of it is a frightening fear of the unknown darlin -trust the round necked woman!!
BTW, STUFF your being independent at a time like this - you need ALL the support you can get. You said it yourself - it knocks you for six.
Elaine, Jennifed, Charlie - how are you all doing ?? Let us know will yers ??
Loadsa love Dellydingerbell xx
Hi Gaynor, i had the same diagnosis and op as you and I didnt turn blue so dont worry yourself about that, it can happen but your more likely to just look a bit grey for a few days and will be weeing green until it passes through your system! You will be surprised by how well you feel after your op, its really not that bad Xx Jo
Flippin 'eck Jobes - you’re up early. I’m not 'cos I haven’t been to bed yet! Don’t quite know what’s fuelling me, but all I know is , It’s GOOD STUFF!! I haven’t even got round to the Just Diag girls yet. How are you doin?? ANYone else peeing green wee and looking grey ??! I think it’s just Jobey. She’s a strange, cheeky little elfin !! xx
Hi Gaynor, my first op in September was a WLE (lumpectomy) and sentinel node procedure. Mine was a grade 2 invasive lobular also. The day before the op, I had the blue dye injected and a wire for location put in. My face, skin and eyes did now change colour at all. There was a blues area on my breast which showed no sign of going but I have since had a mastectomy, so I don’t know how long it lasts. Blue pee and funny coloured poo was gone very quickly, too!
Amanda x
Morning girls,
Gaynor - I’m in Manchester. Yeh Jill, it’s only natural for your imagination to run riot. Any of you, come on and have a good rant, sob or giggle anytime. Make as much use of this forum as you can, it’s a huge help to know that you AREN’T alone in all this, even if we’re just “virtual”. You’ll get loads of useful help, tips, advice.
Good luck to you both with your procedures
oadsa love Delly xx
Hi Gaynor , the fear of the unknown is horrible but honestly its not a major op and you will be amazed at how you will feel afterwards, i walked out of hospital 2 hrs after waking up in recovery ?
My node scar is about 2 inches and runs along the crease in my arm pit, i didnt turn grey and the green wee gave us something to laugh about!
You will be fine hun honestly, will be thinking of you and look forward to hearing from you when its all overXxx Jo
Morning Gaynor flower
Glad Jobey was around to answer your question, as I was a mastectomy girl so completely different. You’ll be fine -TRUST US. Probably wonder what on earth you got so worried about. Plus I’ll be in your pocket to keep you company. We can have a good giggle whilst you’re in peaceful slumber land. It’s good that you’ve had such a bad night, because you sleep even better under the anaesthetic and wake up feeling that much more refreshed afterwards. And you’ll reeeally enjoy that tea and toast the nurses bring you, even though it’s plastic sliced bread - boy does it taste good
Be with yer so don’t worry.
Loadsa love and cheeky giggles, DoolallyDelly xxxxxx
Awwwwww, Gaynor,
After all my trust me’s etc. You did or have had such a bad time of it. AND, Oh, I’m sorry, but I’m giggling at GREEN POO !! Not very sympathetic of me but couldn’t help.
Are you home or still in because of your blood pressure complications ??
Having to wait on results is the worst part of it, or usually the worst, perhaps not so in your case, hey?
Keep in touch. Don’t let my giggling put you off
Lotsa love to you and everyone
Delly-didn’t-giggle-really-ding-dong xx
Hi Gaynor, glad its all over for you inspite of things not going 100% smoothly! I took ibuprophen and paracetamol together,cant take anything stronger as makes me ill, waiting on results is crap but has too be done ? you had a grade 1 diagnosis like me i think didnt you? Well i had no nasty surprises after op and all was clear, heres hoping you get the same Xx Jo
Gaynor - Jeez, NO. I’ve NEVER come across ANYone who’s had such a reaction as youhoo. Are you sure you’re not putting it on - Hey I’m joking. Can only think as you thought that you’ve had a bad reaction to the anaesthetic. It does happen. I used to have to use locals in my work, and even those could produce quite lethal reactions, so we had to be aware of such reactions, just in case.Worse with a “General” (anaesthetic that is, not the military person position !!)
You’ve got ANOTHER week left to wait !! How you coping flower?? You okay?? This disease STINKS / SUCKS, is a HUGE BUMMER to put it mildly.
Stay in touch will ya. Keep us UP with how you’re doing.
And YEAH, boy does it help IF you can retain a sense of humour in all of this C**P !!!
Lots o’ love to you and everyone else
Dellywellydingdong xx
Hi Elaine, what an inspirational video x I took mine off last night , like you didn’t fancy letting it all go slowly so donned the wig for the first time today, went for my bloods prior to second round tomorrow and then went to see my granddaughter and she never even noticed!
I feel rather sad but happy it was a decision I could make and carry through. Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, I post mainly on the Nov 2015 chemo thread and their Facebook page - we can add pics to support each other thru hair loss etc. xxx
ps … Big hugs xxx
lesley x
Gaynor - don’t EVER think you are “blabbing on”. You should see/read some of my posts on “Just Diagnosed and wanting to Talk”. It’s ALL important stuff though. Have a good rant, rave, sob, complain. It’s the whole point of this 'ere lovely Forum. You can VENT and VOICE anything - Yeah??
Sooo, what you seem to be saying is, that it’s been whatever the anaesthetist gave you for your not being able to breathe when coming round, that gave you such a bad reaction. Have I got that right?? You NEED to make ALL your symtoms clear to your consultant when you DO see, yeh??
Yeh, of course your breathlessness could be to do with anxiety - ARE you an anxious type person tho?? Could your hot flushes be you starting with “The Change” - what’s your age Gaynor ?? You know ,really , you should be able to phone someone/support contact/ BCN to have been able to speak to about all this. It’s definitely NOT normal, is it ? A lot of you more recently diag women are having a RAW deal compared to my time treatments with a 5 day stay in hospital, with everyone and EVERYthing on hand !! x
I’m doing really well mentally thanks lovey, just falling to bits phys wise and loads of med appts the next couple of weeks.
Awwww- Elaine. Thanks, I miss hugs being an orphan, which means I appreciate them sooo much more. Sending a spesh Delly one back. Good luck with embarking on your chemo. I know you’ve got lots of good co. on the chemo threads on here. I looked into just to educate myself more as I didn’t need it or rads. Be thinking of you sweetiepie x
Sending the same to you Lesley. right name ? You chemo cuties are a brave lot. Take my hat off to you. Hope all goes well. Will check out the link taa x
off to bo-bies now
Sleep tight, Delly xxx
Hey, sweetpeas - aww nice I know.
Elaine - had a watch of the link with lousy sound on this thing. Got the gyst though. Wow, thought she presented it all really well. I like THAT attitude of yours - “just want to start chemo now, and therefore be closer to ending it”
Gaynor - I’m so glad to hear your feeling better and better. Possibly you reacted to the anaesthetic ??Are you on Letrozole or any other tabs that may be increasing your hot flushes ??
I see my knee man tomorrow, so get to take my trousers off for a man !! It locked 5 days ago, so I’ve bee unable to fully extend or straighten it and been hobbling around. It’s caused by “loose bodies” that bresk off or waer away from the artuculating surfaces, then become jammed inbtween and it locks. So they have to be taken out and the surfaces tidied uo with an arthroscopy. Had to have it done 4 years ago following a major cruciate ligament reconstruction op 1995, so it’s stood me well (literally)
Docs on Wed to get re-referred back into reconstruction with a different surgeon than before plus get referred for my hand and finger prob. Then have a ultrasound scan on my tum next Wed. Teeth next, need to find a good dentist, preferably through recommendation. Got one just across the road, but don’t know anyone who goes to it.
Jumping or hobbling onto the train to go to Nantwich on Thursday, to visit my fave Uncle and his wife. Haven’t seen 'em for 3 years so am really looking forward to it.
Speak to you soon. Loadsa love
Dellywellydoodaa xxx
Hi Girls
Firstly - the size of my forum page and print has SHRUNK. Anyone any idea how to get it back up to size ?? Any help from the moderators would be greatly appreciated ?? Pleeease. And I’ve even got specs on. I’ve got loads of blank space either side.
Hope you all enjoyed your Xmases ?? I spent Xmas Eve in bed or cutched up my dressing gown keeping warm all day feeling absolutely dire with my stomach, sickness, nausea, nothing to eat. Same most of Xmas day too. Was glad to be on my own, couldn’t face company, making an effort. Told everyone who said they’d check in on me to not to + I didn’t want to give it to anyone - flu that is, on top of a gyppy tum of the previous 4 weeks.
Going for a suite of tests tomorrow - forked out privately for. Only trouble is, they don’t cover throat oesophagus, stomach and small intestines. Colonoscopy yes (can’t wait - er yeh I can !!), heart, lung and liver scans yes, plus extra liver tests - can’t remember what else. So, my bowels have to be in an empty state - no hardship there then. Been on liquids the last few days anyway. Mmmmmmm.
Waiting on NHS ultrasound scan of tum. So, shall see what turns up.
Now, Gaynor - you didn’t give us your results from the 17th ??? ! NO - you SHOULDN’T STILL be getting pains. Your over 3 weeks now. I’m presuming this is still in the region of your lumpectomy (was it ??). Also. if they gave you Flucloxacillin before, they thought the pain and swelling was due to INFECTION. So those helped bring the swelling down a bit, you say. How long a course did they give you - 5 days ?? Maybe you need another course. Also, it ccould have been infection that was giving you hot flushes, but in a high temperature way.
Yes - make a bloody nuisance of yourself and phone them up. It’s NOT settling down. Better the BREAST clinic than your doc tho’. They are geared up more to such probs than your doc. Let us know how you go on if you have time.
Elaine - awwwww, you poor darlin’. Your poor bones and BOD. Yeh, you will carry on learning about yourself. Are you having chats on the chemo threads ?? Hope so. All I can do is offer you my sympathetic noises, encouragement and keep sending you healing thoughts, feel pretty helpless. That’s how many treatments out of how many now flower ?? You people are incredibly brave.
How’s everyone else doing ? OK ??
Lotsa love
DingDongDelly xxxxxxx
Gaynor, my DEAR FRIEND. It’s only natural that you are feeling “up and down” with all this. It’s a huge shock to ANYone. Plus, you are also having to face Radiotherapy - all as yet THE UNKNOWN, how it’s gonna feel, how it’s going to make YOU feel. You also sound as though you don’t yet know if you need / want chemo, should you opt for this extra test ?? Another decision to have to make, when you’re already upset with it all, that you probably feel you could do without having to make.
Please ALLOW yourself these DOWN / LOW times. I don’t know what support you have at home - husband / partner ( or gigolo ?!!), family, friends. If you’re not getting much support, you may want to consider getting some focussed counselling. Your BCN should be able to help you with this. Otherwise - it’s about “riding out” these downers and realising that’s JUST what they are. However, if they become prolonged, there are a lot of ladies on here who obtained help through antidepressants. Much of that depends on whether you’re are much of a tablet person or not. I don’t like them, antidepressants. Don’t like the side effects, which outweigh the benefits for me, so I try and turn to other forms of therapy to try and lift my mood eg. music and/or a daft film, or tv show. OR, I get on here and have a good VENT !!! Has worked for me, OFTEN. Somebody says something back, or that makes me laugh, that helps to dissepate it. I keep meaning to get some joke books.
But, I’m going to tell you something else that’s happened over Xmas, that’s not good and No, it’s not to me, but to someone I love and I consider one of my “Best Buddies”. It may help you get some perspective. It’s horrible and extremely upsetting. My “Step Uncle”, Gordon, is a big 6’2" fella, knocking on at 82, and having increasing probs with mobility and such the last few years but still very much independent. He was spending Xmas down at his Hereford house, his daughter Ali, and husband Chris + Grandkids live about 20 miles away, so he went down to spend much of the festive period with them. I just presumed he would be having a really nice, family time. Got a text message from my “witch” of a cousin, to tell me that he’d been rushed into hospital. He’d got down to his house and started having nasty pains behind his knees. These got so bad, he phoned for an ambulance. Was rushed in in a great deal of pain. Turned out he had aneurysms behind BOTH knees. The chances of BOTH are unheard of really. One of them was soooo bad, the circulation was completely obliterated and he had to have his leg AMPUTATED below the knee !! Xmas Eve this was. POOR G - what a gawd awful dreadful thing to have to go through. Fortunately, they managed to save the other leg.
I feel sooo upset for him, at his stage in life too, where things are getting more and more difficult enough, without this for him to have to get to grips with, as well as.
Hi Lynne, I don’t think our paths have crossed before, or have they?? I had mastectomies 2006 and 2007, both with FULL node clearance (It was STANDARD procedure at that time). Didn’t need rads or chemo. Bounced back REEEALLY well from my 1st, but sank into desperate depression after my second. Much to do with still being a single woman and it SMASHING my confidence to bits with regards to relationships. So much so, that I haven’t had one since !!
Congrats on getting your first chemo under your belt. What a lousy time to start. I also understand, from what other chemo-cuties say, your side effects are likely to get progressively worse with each session. It has a cumulative effect. I DO hope you are also joining in on the chemo threads. You’re an amazing lot.
Tummy better?? NO, still dreadful, worse after what they did to me today, and sorry in advance “liquid”. It wasn’t a colonoscopy. It was a colon scan using an anal probe !!! Plus heart, lung and liver scans. All by CT. Have 10 days to wait on results. Will phone docs tomorrow and reset up the ultrasound appointment. Had to go into one of the private hospitals near to Manchester so took myself off for a treat afterwards. You have to starve yourself for these bowel exams to clear them beforehand, so I was absolutely starving. Had it all planned - my favourite pizza followed by “Starwars” in 3D !! Could only eat 2 slices of pizza and felt sick, had to bring the rest home and stop for a lenghthy toilet sesh on the way back to Macc (approx 1 hr journey) to avoid a nasty accident. Film was ABFAB, but again, nearly didn’t see the end because was getting desperate for the loo. Did make the end with great difficulty, but had to make a mad dash before everyone and another long loo sesh. Bloomin awful.
The only time my stomach feels ok-ish, is when I haven’t eaten. But, of course, I’m so washed out with not having eaten very much in the last 6 weeks !!
I think it’s likely related to my liver and/or Gall Bl;adder, because of this feeling sick 15 mins into eating and then for the rest of an hour.
Anyway girlies, we’ll see. I DO hope you all feel a bit more UP soon. Perhaps at the New Year ?? Keep watching nice, happy tv, romcoms, comedies. Avoid anything upsetting or violent. And have a mad bop round the kitchen.
Loadsa love to you all
DingerDelly xxxx
Dear all,
Happy new year.
Rapid diagnosis of cancer helps in increasing the chance of fighting it really good. In this context please the list of well known diagnostic methods which will you to quickly determine the conacer type and severity.
Phew Roch - You’re a woman of few words.
I haven’t looked into your link, don’t know if I dare at the moment, me waiting on results and it being New Year and all that !!
Come back on and tell us a bit about yourself.
Love to you and ALL
Dellydingdong xxxx