Hello everyone.
I was diagnosed on 28 Nov and I’ve been waiting for an MRI. It got cancelled today because the machine was broken. Nobody rebooked me, I was told to call again on Monday and rebook. What has surprised me was how I’ve had to do all the phoning to make appointments, chase up when I’m not heard anything etc. I had assumed the NHS moved you through the system swiftly but it seems like nobody is bothered! Is this normal? I’ve tried to feel positive and carry on but the anxiety is kicking in big time now. It’s the most stressful time yet I am having to chivvy along the hospital constantly.
I’m sorry you’ve had this too. I say ‘too’ because I had the same thing of having to push to get my MRI booked, and I know being left to do all the legwork is exactly what you don’t need on top of everything else. I went via the breast care team at the hospital in the end and they contacted radiology. It took about a month to get the appointment. The machine went down the day I was there, but was OK once they rebooted it, which took about 20 minutes. We just don’t need all these setbacks, do we? I so wish I had a PA to book appointments, spend hours on hold on the phone etc. I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone, as it can be a lonely old business being left to sort things out. I also get my results next week, so nerves getting a bit wracked again. Things move slowly, but they do move on. I hope you make progress on Monday.
Bounty B so sorry you find yourself here and sorry you’ve found yourself in the position of doing chasing up. Do speak to your team and ask why are you doing the chasing and also take it to the pals office at your trust. It is your teams duty and responsibility to take care of you. You have enough to deal with having a bc diagnosis, it’s their job to take care of you and look after you. Perhaps they don’t realise you’ve been put in this situation, so do let them and the pals office know. Shi xx