Newly diagnosed last Tuesday

Is there anyone out there who has just been diagnosed? I had a mamogram and ultra sound last Tuesday and the Dr told me she was 99% certain that I had breast cancer, which came as a huge shock, I was totally unprepared and alone as I was not expecting to be told anything. She did mention the words operation and mastectomy. I had to go back last Thursday for a core biopsy and the radiographer was also of the same opinion. I have an appointment on the 15th for the diagnosis. They both scanned my lymph nodes and neither seemed to think it had spread to my lymph nodes and not sure if I can assume this to be correct!The radiographer thought it was contained and approx 15mm - 25mm. Is this big?
I’m absolutely terified, not sure how I’m going to get through the next 8 days. Does anyone out there have any advice?

Hi Stella and welcome to the forums where I am sure you will receive lots of help and support from your fellow users.

In addition, please do call our helpline for a ‘listening ear’ and further support if you feel this would help on 0808 800 6000, the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

I am not sure whether you will want to read anything about having breast cancer prior to your diagnosis being confirmed, however, if you wish to do so the following link will take you to our newly diagnosed publication if you feel it would help you to be prepared:

Take care

Hi Stellam
I am so sorry about your bc I was diagnosed 29 April and have had a lumpectomy and senitel node removed and i start my radiotherapy tomorrow.
I know it is an awful shock and you dont know how you will get through it but you will. I try to stay positive and it works most of the time. Write a list of questions to ask your consultant and dont be afraid to ask as many questions as you want.
Let me know how you get on
Lots of hugs

Hi Stella

I was dx on the 26th June, results confirmed on the 30th June, op 20th. I’m sorry youre here with me. I’m just that week in front so I’ll tell you what happens to me as I go.
My nurses are lovely. I suggest you read the literature they’ve given you (presume you got the books) and make a list of questions. I found writing out what I wanted to know kept me focused and puts me a bit in control. Every so often that sick sinking feeling takes over but since I’ve had my proper results and asked my questions I’m not so bad. My doctor has asked me to go in to let off steam - cry etc. Is your family Dr supportive - I said I didn’t want to go as would prob just spend 10 minutes crying! She said that’s what she’s there for… she would be worried if I didn’t cry. I’m trying to stay positive and trying to not collapse in a pile as anger and worry are wasted emotions and I need all my energy to fight this thing. I’ll be better I hope once I’ve had the op and get more inf. The wait is horrid. Keep strong we will get through this and from the posts I’ve read it looks like there’s a lot of support for us. Take care, hugs x x x

Stella - sorry that you have had to join us - you will find a lot of support here…

One thing i would say is keep your mind open until you actually get the results from the op… i know sometimes people end up annoyed / disappointed when it looks like nodes are not involved - but really until they are removed no-one knows…

These early days are very tough - so take any help you can and be kind to yourself…


Hi Stella,

I just wanted to write that things will get better. I am further along the line than you, was diagnosed in November, surgery in january. Just finished 18 weeks of chemotherapy and now having radiotherapy. This all sound a lot - but they are different ways of getting rid of and safeguarding against the cancer coming back. My tumour was 3.5cm which is larger than yours - and I had five lymph nodes involved. These days with modern treatments - a diagnosis of breast cancer is not the devasting blow it once used to be. Latest stats show that the vast majority of women diagnosed will be around in ten years. And it is good that you cancer is likely to be contained - which will make a big difference.

The worst part is the waiting - once the treatment starts you will be suprised how quickly it passes. My doctor said to me - you need to give me a year of your life - so I can give the rest of your life back to you.

We are all here to share the journey with you.


Bright x