Newly diagnosed-need advice re sick leave from work

Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with IDC and am going in for a wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy on 10/12.  I have been told I will need radiotherapy and endocrine therapy. My question is that I don’t really know what to expect and am unsure as to how much sick leave I will need and when. I am very lucky as my employer is very supportive but I would like to be upfront and say what I need but I’m not sure. When will my radiotherapy start if my op is on the 10th Dec and is it possible to work whilst having radiotherapy ? This forum is really informative and everyone seems really friendly so I’m hoping someone can give me some advice? I know all cases are different but just need an idea.  Thanks in advance

Hiya, My Radiotheraphy started about 7 weeks after my op, they give you time to heal first. I worked through mine and felt fine, it’s tiring travelling to and from hospital every day and that seems to be the things that effects people the most, other than a sore pink boob come the end I had no ill effects, the only time I took off work was the two weeks following my op which is advised as you need to rest and not use your arm too much to let things heal, it’s not a major op and was much easier than I imagined it would be. I would advise your employer that you will have to play it by ear as you don’t know how you will feel until it’s happening , I know some ladies who took a few months off. Hope this helps a bit! Xx Jo 

Thanks everyone for your replies. It is so helpful to hear from others who have been or are going through the same experience. Good luck to you all xx

Hi, I had wide inclusion and biopsy on the 8th October, was signed off for 6 weeks. However, when I went back for my pathology results on 2nd November I was back in for more surgery to get a bigger margin and axillary node clearence on the 12th November.

I’m now post op 3 wk this Thursday, my dr signed me off for another 6 wk (from the 25th Nov when last note ran out) I’m hoping to get back to work for couple weeks before Xmas! But I’ve hit to wait for further results (hoping for apt this week!?) and see my dr next week. I’ve been told I’ll have to gave radiotherapy after chemo which I’m expecting to start in January! Consultant has told me its highly unadvisable for me to work during this!!! So th all be 18 wks if again if every session goes to plan. 

All the best for your op, stay on forum, it’s a valuable resource of support! Hugs xxxx Tina 

Hi Philomena,
Do listen to your body, and be aware of yoyr responsibilities at work. In the space of 4 minths i had 3 general anaethetics, the first unrelated to BC.
For myself after initial diagnosis i had x2 surgeries, and then radiotheapy with those
appts dotted around all over the day for 18
sessions, 3 and a half weeks of treatment.
I found i was so fatigued, and this persisted into my phased return to work.
I was reviewed regularly by my GP, being signed off initially for 2 months.
I was frustrated by the fatigue, but have learnt to look after myself better now. Eat well, rest and a swift recovery. Listen to your body.
Best wishes,
LL xx

Whoops, i am 18 months down the line, and still listening to my bod. X