Newly diagnosed with breast cancer

Hi Everyone, I have to say first of all “Thank you” re sharing all re:- Breast Cancer. Been a real support for me comming to terms and going through the rollercoaster of emotions and Shock.

7th Dec had Mam, U/S and 3 biopsies told that day, 2 suspicious lumps and enlarged lymph and what would happen.

13th Dec DX with BC in both lumps and lymph. Told Masectomy and removal of lymph and will be put on Tamoxafin as Eastrogen receptive.(7 and 13 are lucky for some).

No mention of Chemo or Rads. Will this apply to me?

see specialist again this week to discuss dates in Jan and reconstruction options.

Hi Bicardicat - Im really sorry u have had this diagnosis, but u are among friends here who will support u. We do get there and cope once we get a treatment plan in place. I cant say for sure , but i think if the cancer is in your lymph nodes u get chemo, i certainly did. However dont be scared of that as its doo-able. I have just started rads after 5 months chemo. MX , tamoxifen , last bit for me and i thought it would never come.
Keep posting questions and take care.

Lorna xxx

Hi bicardicat

Firstly, welcome to the forums, I am sure you will find it a great source of information and support.

I’m sorry to read of your diagnosis, the first few days and weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with things and getting to grips with your treatment plans, etc.

As well as the support you are receiving on the forums you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:- … cer-bcc145

Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

hi bicadicat
sorry to hear of the diagnosis. usually when tehre is spread to the lymph nodes women are given chemo and rads. I had spread to nodes and was given both, but they were not nearly as bad as I feared, in fact I worked, went on holiday, saw friends etc throughout chemo, except for teh occasional day off. It seemed to work, as I am doing fine 7 years on.
all the best

Hi Ladies

Thanks for the posts much appreciated,just seems so surreal!.

It took me ages to think of a name for this sight and i kept putting it off but im here now. Have to choose a pic now to go with my new profile name lol (family cat looks like the bicardi cat and I swear its what he gets up too on a night when he strolls in first thing in the morning!!not that im jelous much! 42 not 22 lol)Not much of a bicardi lover more a margherita fan which i have NOW purchased from ME to ME lol

Did ask in my hysterical emotional outburst do i get buy one get one free!! (what a plonker!) to the doctors on 7th… they did mumble something but can clarify this week I presume.
I have my c and c lists ready ones the christmas shop and the other is my Cancer question list… who would of thought eh!

On a serious note obviously this dosent just affect me its the whole family are there support groups or website that my daughter or husband or parents can go or look on or use?? Obviously this is the start of a whole new chapter and I think when the going gets tough they may need to go off and look in their own time if you know what i mean.

Not sure whether to have re construction, thinking of asking for both off at moment, then think oh maybe i shouldnt just leave it then i think ohhhhh a nice new one!!! then not. it just seems like information overload yet i need to know more inorder to understand so i can relate back to family.

sorry bit of a ramble just dont know what to do.

Hello Bicardicat

Just to let you know that the helpline that Sam mentioned above is there to give support to family and friends as well if they want to use it.

best wishes
June, moderator