Newly diagnosed with breast cancer

Hi JessieBearsMummy,

If you find it good to talk to others who are in a similar situation to yourself you might find it helpful to join the general live chat session on a Thursday evening from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. Here you can talk on line in real time to other people with a dignosis of breast cancer. The live chat is facilitated by a moderator and has breast cancer nurse specialist present. If you would like to join just log on at 8.30pm and click on the link below:-

Also Breast Cancer do run a peer support service, if you would like more information just use the following link :-

I hope this is helpful.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi JessieBearsMummy
I am now 2 years on from my diagnosis which was followed with a mx with immediate reconstruction, 6 chemos (3 FEC and 3 Docetaxel), 15 rads and a years herceptin treatment so I know what lies ahead for you, but there is a life waiting for you at the end of your treatment that is sweet.
During ‘My Journey’ through my treatment I sent my family, friends and colleagues a ‘Round Robin’ email so that they were kept updated. It might give you an insight as to what may lie ahead for you, but do remember that it is MY journey through MY treatment, and that we are all individuals with our own experiences.
2 years on I have hair once more, bemoan the fact that I once again have to shave my legs , but even more importantly, I have a gorgeous 4 month old grandson to watch grow so life is wonderful once more. Take a look at ‘My journey through my breast cancer treatment and out the other side’ on this site
It is long as it was sent out over the course of a year, but I hope that you find it of some help. Remember that you will come out the other side of your treatment where I and many others will be waiting, but in the meantime we are here to support you on your way.
Good luck
Mazzalou xxx

everyone is so lovely on here, just crying reading it all, you really are some special people thank you so much xxxx

Just remember too, JessieBearsMummy, that one day you too will be a very special person giving support to all those who will be diagnosed after you.
Take care
Mazzalou xxx

Sorry that you find yourself here but as everyone has said this is a great place to get support from people who know what you’re going through.
I am 46 and was dx on March 18th. I have an appiontment tomorrow to find out finer details after all my scans. I do know i am booked for a mx and anc on 18th so will be right there with you :slight_smile:
Keep in touch or pm me as we’ll be on this journey together and more than likely starting chemo the same time.
Good luck and know that you are not alone.
Emma x
p.s You only have to read the stories and advice of the lovely ladies who have come out the otherside to get the strength you need to not let this beat you xx

hi all
I am due to see the consultant tomorrow after having had a CT scan and get a firm date of surgery, I am so frightened that it may have spread ;(.

Hi Jessiebearsmummy

I know it is difficult not to worry, but even grade 3 cancer doesn’t spread that quickly. I was dx with Ductal invasive in October 2012, and didn’t have mx until 12th December. It too was grade 3 and 3cm in size. Having said that, I do hope your surgery will be soon, as only when your treatment begins will you feel more in control. Sending BIG HUGS and good luck for tomorrow.

Poemsgalore xxx

thank you Poemsgalore xxxx

so pleased today that scans confirm no further spread other that what we already knew (ie lump and lymph) - I have a date of 18th April so now at least I can start and prepare myself for my journey. I was dreading hearing it had gone elsewhere, i know what I face is going to be enough to keep me out of trouble but I feel a like more in control than I did even 1 day ago. take care guys xx

Hi im 38 and found out i have two types of breast cancer ive chose not to know much about my cancers and thier names im now just waiting my chemo appointments then i will have a mastectomy i cryed for first 2 days then thought crying isnt going to make it go away i make out im strong on the outside but on the inside its taring me apart x

Hi Arry,

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support from the many informed users of this site who I am sure will be along soon to offer that support.

In the meantime if you need someone to talk to in confidence then the staff on our helpline are just a free phone call away, 0808 800 6000, lines are open now until 5pm tonight (Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2)

Take care.

Jo, Facilitator

would just like to wish you luck for your surgery on 18th. It’s the start of what may possibly be a long journey, but well worth it in the end.

Arry, so very sorry to read of your dx. Personally I couldn’t bear not knowing every little detail of my cancer, and still feel that today. The knowledge I have gained about my tumour and cancer in general has made me a much stronger person. I hope that eventually you will find inner strength as well as outer strength, to help you through this.
Sending BIG HUGS to you both.
Poemsgalore xx

Hi Arry,
welcome to this site we are all in the same boat on here just going through or gone through the process. There is so much support on here. I am newly diagnosed have had a Mx on the 25th March now awaiting chemo as well. I have read everthing I can about what was going to happen on each step of my treatment as I found that this helped me perhaps it would help you but that is your choice? I cried the day I had to tell my husband as I went on my own to my mammogram and biopsy but since then I have not shed a tear as I think I need all my energy to fight this cancer. I find out today what treatment I will be having for definite as results were late back ( due to Easter) so department meeting today they have just rang cancer was in one node and I am defo having chemo and borderline for radiotherapy so will find out when I meet oncologist in a couple of weeks .
everybody accepts this differently I found the more info I had the better I felt when I got results and knew more about what was going to happen with Mx. Just take it one day at a time
Hope this helps
I also agree with poemsgalore it made me stronger too
Marie xxxx