Newly diagnosed

Hello everyone I was diagnosed with lobular/ductal Invasive - 30mm breast cancer 4th November and WLE 10 December. (10 days on now). I have been on antibiotics for infection for 4 days which is now feeling better but can anyone tell me how long before it feels more “normal”I’m extremely swollen and bruised which I expected but still very tender! Is this normal I’m not sure if I’m expecting too much too soon.?

Sparkle, sorry to hear you got an infection :two_hearts: do use the number on here and speak to a nurse :two_hearts: i had a therapeutic mammoplasty and did not get infection, so can only share my experience which was driving again by 1 month and swelling gone down and things had settled by 2 months but it did feel different to before operation. Hope your infection clears up soon and swelling and bruising goes soon too for you :two_hearts: others will pop on and advise their experience too I’m sure to help you :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :sparkles: :sparkles: Shi xx