Newly diagnosed

Hi all, I have recently been diagnosed with Grade 2 Invasive ductal carcinoma, following a routine mammogram. I had no idea anything was wrong and am feeling “is this really happening?”.  
At the results appointment I think I zoned out a bit when the consultant said Cancer, and although she explained everything well I am starting to feel confused.  My biggest worry is having to decide whether I want a lumpectomy or mastectomy. I know I have two lumps - one is 1cm and the other just under 1cm, so quite small - 4cms apart. If I have a lumpectomy they will be removed as one to get a decent margin. A part of me has decided on lumpectomy but then a voice pipes up saying “mastectomy”. 
I would appreciate any views on how I decide just what to do!  Sorry for rambling and thanks in advance for advice.


in your case the tumours are very small and probably lumpectomy is a way to go. However , what you need to consider is radiotherapy- are you happy to go for it, as  that is likely the next step after the surgery. I also would ask the dr, what is the likely outcome in your case? how much size difference it will be?(it depends on the location of the tumours too).

another thing to consider, how important is a sensation of the breast to you and how do you feel about the reconstruction, as it is something to consider after mastectomy.

My dr stated that mastectomy or lumpectomy +radio have the same outcomes in a long term. i went for the lumpectomy and i am pleased with this decision.

take care x