Newly diagnosed

Hi I am 32 and have just been diagnosed with stage 3 oestrogen positive breast cancer, a tumour of 2cm and in at least one lymph node. I am absolutely devastated as was two weeks away from starting IVF treatment (something we had waited nearly four years for). I have alot of concerns regarding my future chances of a family as this is the only thing that gives me hope, I have had my CT scan and MRI scan and i get my results in 3 days. I am terrified incase the cancer has spread and it concerns me why they leave the tumour inside you for so long, every week is the longest week of my life! Is there anyone who can share their similar experience as I am feeling very isolated, thank you

Hi Hobo

I too am 32 years old. I have stage 2 grade 3 triple negative Invasive ductal breast cancer. I was diagnosed on the 19th December last year. I am currently half way through my chemotherapy, which I am having first to try and shrink it as it was 4 cm in size.

The initial diagnosis and all the waiting for scans and results was definately the worst time ever. Once a treatment plan is in place things seems to get a little easier. The treatment is doable too!

It must be harder for you having to deal with posponing your IVF ontop of all this. This site is a good support and everyone here to answer questions and help. You can PM me if there anything I can answer for you or just want to chat.

Nicola xx

Hi Hobo

Welcome to the BCC forums, in addition to the support here please feel free to call our helpline team the lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 Sat and our team can offer you further support ideas, information and a listening ear

I am posting a couple of links to the BCC ‘Newly diagnosed’ and ‘Younger women’ information pages where you will find lots of publications support ideas and expert information:

Take care

Hi Hobo,

I was diagnosed last year at the age of 33. Big lump (9cm) and lymph node involvement. I had chemo prior to surgery. My husband and I had just started trying for children so I know how devestating it is to not only deal with the terror of a cancer diagnosis but also the fear of being left infertile. Unfortunately as my tumour was so large I was not able to have eggs harvested.

There are quite a few girls of our age on the forum in the same position as you - had just started IVF after years of trying and then were diagnosed. Hopefully they will come along and share their experiences with you too. There are also girls who have gone on to have families - although they tend to post much less frequently as they are off enjoying their lives!!

Whereabouts are you based? I would highly recommend one of the BCC Young Women’s Forums. I went on one a month after my diagnosis and it was a real turning point for me just meeting girls of a similar age going through treatment like me. I still see some of them regularly. The information seminars are really good and led by leading consultants and medical professionals. They do a good seminar on fertility.

Has anyone spoken to you about egg harvesting?

I’ve had chemo, bilateral mastectomies with immediate recon using implants and radiotherapy and it is all doable - nowhere near as bad as you imagine.

Once you’ve had more info from your MRI and the all clear from your CT scan and have a surgery and treatment plan in place you will start to feel a bit more in control. The beginning is the worst - such a rollercoaster - and you can’t get off!!!

Let us know how you get on and let us know if you have any questions at all.


Hi Hobo

I can relate to your situation. I was diagnosed in Nov shortly after turning 35 with stage 3, ER+, about 2cm tumour and lymph nodes affected. I had a lumpectomy first and lymph node removal and had 16/18 nodes affected. I then had to have a CT and MRI scan to see whether or not the cancer had spread. The waiting is definitely the hardest. I was sure that having 16/18 nodes affected it would have spread but my scans came back clear. So just think that you are having a full MOT and it’s good that they are throwing everything at you and that they are being thorough.

I was then told that I needed chemo and radiotherapy and tamoxifen for 5 years. I haven’t had children yet so I was referred to the IVF clinic. We tried a round of IVF to freeze some embryos before chemo but unfortunately it didn’t work for us. You should ask whether that would be an option for you.

I asked about getting Zoladex injections instead during chemo as I heard that this could help shut down your ovaries. My docs never mentioned it to me - I only read about it on this forum and I asked and they allowed me to have it. I think that maybe the docs don’t advertise it as there is no evidence that this will work anyway.

I am now half way through chemo and never thought I would get this far. The waiting is hard but try to do nice things in the next 3 days to keep your mind active. You’ll get a lot of support from this site.


Hi hobo, I’ve replied on your other thread and have bumped up a fertility thread for you. The lavender trust part of the website is for young women and has good info on standards of care that younger women should expect. It’s a good starting point, and hopefully one of the moderators will post a link (??!!).

There’s also a “periods, did they return and when?” thread where ladies have posted their stories and it’s a good resource to see how other women have responded to treatment. And there are some lovely positive stories in the pregnancy section of the forum (it’s on the left hand menu down the side of the page) which how’s that ladies do go on and have children successfully after a bc diagnosis. I hope this gives you some confirmation that it can work out ok in the end, once you are through the treatment. All the very best



Here is a link to our Standards of Care page for younger women.

Best wishes
June, moderator

Hi Hobo,

I can totally sympathise with you…I was diagnosed Nov 2011 with TNBC stage 3, and I’m now 1/3 way through chemo after mx and recon in January. As Sandytoes says there are lots of us younger ladies (I’m 30) who are going through a similar experience to you and it isn’t as daunting once the treatment plans are in place. I think it’s the sudden lack of control over our lives and fear that grips us!

I was lucky enough to be offered IVF treatment to freeze embryos with my husband, this took place in the time between my op and the start of chemo. Although it was an emotionally draining time it was doable and time really has flown.

I wish you all the best and as others have said the ‘waiting on results’ is definitely the most intense experience I have found as your mind won’t settle. Keep eating, smiling, and remember this is just a time to be lived through and you will come through the other side.

Love Sah xx

My sister is 28 & was diagnosed with BC in Jan this year, she had a mastectomy in Feb & needs chemo followed by rads, however she is refusing her treatment because she is concerned about her fertility. Can anybody recommend a local forum or group where she can go to, to speak to other women her age? She has spoke to family, friends, oncologist & breast care nurse & is still adamant that she’s not having the treatment. I think maybe talking to some1 who is in the same position or who has been in the same position may help her.
I hope you don’t mind me posting on here I’m just very worried & don’t know what else to do.


Hi clk and welcome to the BCC forums

Your fellow users will be along soon with support and shared experiences and in addition it may help to call our helpliners, they may be able to put your sister in touch with someone in a similar position to her via our 'One to one support, you can read more here:

I am also posting a couple of links to the BCC fertility issues publication which you may find helpful to read along with the link to the ‘Younger women’ support page where you will find more publications and support ideas for your sister:

I hope this helps

Take care

Just sharing a link to this post I put on a few months ago with an excellent publication on all things breast cancer and fertility related.

Good luck, there is hope. I am due my second baby tomorrow (yikes) just over two years clear from a Grade 3 triple negative tumour - lumpectomy and 6 x TAC and 3 weeks rads- I did get zoladex injections and would highly recommend. My first baby was born 8 weeks before my diagnosis so I am hoping this one will be less of a roller coaster! xxx