Newly Diagnosed

Hi there,
Diagnosed with bc 21st March. Had MRI 26th March. Not having op until 25th April. Every day feels like a week. Everyone thinks it must be very early stages because I have to wait all this time until the op. MRI scan shows one lump. Nothing showing in lymph nodes from scan. Lobular cancer so was not picked up on mamogram or ultra sound.
Is this usual to wait this long before having surgery.

Hi Bella1

Firstly, welcome to the forums, I hope you will find it a great source of information and support.

Sorry to read of your diagnosis, I’m sure some of the other users will be a long soon to offer you their support and experience.

In the mean time you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-

Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Bella1. I was diagnosed with lobular on May 27th 2011, I started chemotherapy a month later and didn’t have surgery until the 20th of December. in between diagnosis and starting chemo I had sentinel node biopsy, CT scan, bone scan and MUGA scan. The cancer was found in my lymph nodes and I had them all removed when I has a mastectomy in December.

I was told that lobular cancer takes years to grow large enough to be detected by self examination and doesn’t often show up on mammograms. I wouldn’t worry about a delay of one month before starting active treatment. good luck with everything. It’s a bit of a scary roller coaster ride but it does eventually slow down.


Hi Bella1

I’m in the same boat - diagnosed with lobular 20 March, had an MRI scan 2 April, won’t get the results till 19 April but provisionally booked in for surgery on 24 April. I know exactly how you feel about the wait. Perhaps we could hold virtual hands as we seem to be so similar.


Hi Bella1 and Gill

Just to agree with Supertrouper. I found a lump the end of Nov 2010. By the time I’d had my referral, biopsies and wait for results, it was Dec 22nd when I had may dx (diagnosis) Grade 3 lobular. Christmas got in the way and I had to have a breast MRI, so I didn’t have my surgery (mx and immediate recon) until Jan 27th - over two months after I first went to the GP.

This bit is horrible - you know you have a cancer growing inside you and you just want it out! But my surgeon reassured me that a wait of a few weeks would make no difference to my long term prognosis.

And, despite the grade of my cancer and it’s size (5.5cm x 2.3cm), I had no node involvement. I did have to have chemo and rads, but I’ve been back at work full time since last November.

Good luck!

Hi Bella1 and Gill

I to agree with what D and Supertrouper have said, so really there is definitely nothing to worry about.

I was diagnosed on 10th Jan this year with invasive lobular cancer and I didn’t have my op until 2nd March. It may have been a couple of weeks sooner but I had another complication (not BC related) that had to be sorted first. I had ct scans, bone scan and MRI scan along with SNB before op and when I did have the extra wait my surgeon told me that it honestly wouldn’t make any difference at all.

My tumour was the about the same size as D’s (5.5cm x 2cm) and was also grade 3 and ER+. I had 1 out of 26 nodes infected and I opted for a Diep recon at the same time as my mastectomy. I am now waiting for my date to start chemo.

The bit inbetween diagnosis and op is horrible but each test is a step closer and time does go so quickly. Use the forum as much as you can to talk about how you feel with others and to get info. We are all here to help.

Lots of hugs

Natalie xx

Thanks for all your comments. It is nice to know your not on your own. Off work at moment as my blood pressure is sky high. Doctors think this maybe down to medication I have to take daily for addisons disease. Anyone else got addisons? just hope this will not delay the op.