News for Supermum

News for Supermum

News for Supermum Adele,

I felt I had to let you know. I had my “Come back in 6 months when the bruising as gone down” appointment on Tuesday. Actually I brought it forwards 2 months cos I wasn’t coping well with the wait.

My 6th Doc in 6 visits confirmed the lump is still there, but feels its shrunk from 2.5cms to about 1.5cms. They still think its the same ones I had in 1999/2000 and because of that they think its OK to discharge me. Also he says they would cause more damage removing it then leaving it where it is. So I’m not going to get the missing 1% I’ve been waiting for since November last year. He advised me to monitor it myself and start again with my GP if anything changes or I’m not happy.

So its over to me now. I know I should be happy, and I am sort of, however, as the lump feels just the same as it did when all this started I’m not all that confident of noticing any changes. What if I miss something thinking its still the same lump? What if…What if…

I was promoted recently, and am trying to put all my efforts into my new role. I have a wonderful boss who was over the moon when I told him. So I want don’t want to let him down.

I will be keeping an eye on the site to make sure you are OK, but may not post anything from now on. I don’t really feel qualified to answer anyone elses fears.

I did put a message on Benign Breast Conditions, but thought you might miss it and I had to say THANKS for all your messages.

Anyhow, best of luck with your treatment and I hope you enjoy a happy and healthy long like for however long you want that to be.

Bye for now

Bucket Loads of Love and Kisses


hi hun im so sorry iv not been on here for a while - again - however i am delighted to hear you news. i thinks its great. i read your post in benign too.

dont stay away from here tho u can always have a voice regardless of your situation, so your one of the lucky ones and its benign it dont mean you have to leave us lot on ere all by ourselves :'O(

you can alwyas join in the discussion forums or even offer support to those gals in ‘have i?’

its been great meetin you tho and CONGRATS ON YOUR PROMOTION.

im really made up for you. i know you were worried with this new job and your situ, but its turned out in the right direction for you GGGGGGGGGGGGGREAT!

please, dont ‘what if’? just keep an eye on it and every now and again, if u feel uneasy nip to c yr GP, they cant turn you away!

i will pop in again hun you take great care of yourself woncha

lots of luv n hugs to ya always adele xxxxxxxxxxx