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Following surgery in May, I now have a radiotherapy planning appointment in two weeks with radiotherapy treatment beginning two weeks later. I was surprised to be told that I will be having just one week of radiotherapy (not that I want more) but doctor also wanted to give me a prescription for Letrozole starting immediately, however I asked for time to read up about it as I wasn’t told anything really about hormone therapy at a previous appointment. I know hormone therapy is to prevent reoccurrence but I’m really worried about side effects, specifically joint pain and sleep problems (barely sleeping more than 4-5 hours as it is, shattered).

(DCIS, grade 2, stage 1. Lumpectomy, clear margins, 0/3 node negative, ER+ PR+ HER-, Onco test result- low risk)

Hi jacqu,

Thank you for your post.

I am sorry you haven’t had any response yet. I am hoping my response will help our members to see your post and hare their experience.

In the meantime, please remember that for any clinical questions, our breast care nurses are here and happy to talk things through.

Sending you our warmest wishes,


Hi jacqu,

I had my radiotherapy planning CT scan last week, the radiographer was great, explaining everything that was going to happen. I will also be having the 5 day course of radiotherapy, starting at the beginning of August. I think the 5 days is now becoming the preferred therapy over 15 days. 

I am peri menopausal so have now started taking tamoxifen, and no new side effects that I have noticed. My sleep is already very disturbed due to hot sweats but that is menopause rather than medication!! 

Wishing you luck with your planning appointment,

Sarah xx

I guess your having your radiotherapy this week, (or soon). I had mine 4 weeks ago. It was also just the 5 days.I was right side, they also do a breath hold now on this side…all new tech.  I took leg warmers as it can be cool in the sessions. Take your cream with you and apply as soon as you finish each session. Don’t get your affected side in the sun, even before treatment. 

I’m sorry I can’t help with Letrozole, my mum is taken it (over 2 years now) and is ok. I’m taking Tamoxifen and now on Zoladex to suppress the ovaries. 

Do as much exercise as you can, that’s what I have focused on. The skin and tissue will shrink and tighten, but keep it moisturised and exercised.