NHS Medical Exemption Certificate



I thought I would put this on as a separate post for those of you who will be embarking on hormone tablets as part of your treatment.  You are entitled to a free NHS Medical Exemption Certificate, which you can get from your GP Surgery, you just complete it, give it back to the receptionist, they will get your GP to sign it and send it off for you.  About 7 days later you will get a card through the post.


All you have to do is present this to the chemist when you collect your hormone tablets and any other medication you might be on as they are covered on this for as long as you are on hormone tablets.



Hi all,  Yes Helena that is good advice.  I picked my up whilst on a hospital visit.  One of the nurses signed it for me, which saved me another trip to the GPs

Ha, I finally went to gp’s and filled in my part. Receptionist said she’d get doc to fill in the rest but I got it sent back to me today with the doctor’s part not filled in. I’ll get it sorted in the end! X

I was given a form to fill in from my BCC nurse on the day I was diagnosed and it is valid for 5 years for free prescriptions. Filled it in straight away and got a card within a week. I was previously paying D/D for prepaid prescriptions as I was on blood pressure meds before diagnosis so pleased I get this free, was paying  11 quid a month for prescriptions.

Very occasionally a "perk " from having breast cancer !!!

I agree! We have to take whatever we are entitled to-At least it is a little something less to worry about,especially with all the meds we get prescription.I got my exemption certificate last week-the breast nurse told me to tell my GP,who sorted it really quickly xx

Just a note for those living in Wales who don’t have to pay for prescription anyway. If you are being treated by a hospital in England and you receive a prescription from them, as it was issued in England you will have to pay for it if you haven’t got an exemption certificate. I went to the GP to get a form and they don’t stock them as no one asks for them anymore. So be prepared and get one up front just in case. I’m going to try to get the form from the ONC department at the hospital now.

My chemist said to hold on to any prescription receipts after diagnosis and they refunded me when the card came through.

Thank you for that Helena
I’ve sent mine off! How about parking at hospitals when having chemo and the person driving is staying. Is there any help for that?x

Helena, I pressed something wrong when joining the forum and thought the first one was deleted and cannot find where to delete the account I don’t use. Can you help please? Not the best at keyboards:)
I will ask chemo nurse at my appointment on Weds. Although it’s not the most important of things right now, parking has been quite frequent and it all adds up!
Thanks Helena

Thank you Helena. I keep making all weird mistakes and quite forgetful lately as this has just taken over my concentration most of the time.
I could try with the laptop but just use CK from now on! I know its the least of our worries but dont want my others ladies confuse any more rhan I am:)

Yes, I will ask chemo nurse regards parking fees. Sometimes you don’t know how long you are going to be there too but one time I pit 2 hours in and went over as needed to go for bloods the nurse took my reg and sorted for me.xx

Hi All,
Regarding parking definitely ask the next time you go to the hospital. I overheard someone asking the girl on our chemo unit reception for the car park colour as they were leaving…so as I was leaving I was cheeky and asked her what it was. Turns out you don’t have to pay when you attend an appointment on the unit you buzz security T the car park barrier and give them that days colour and they let you thru. It doesn’t have to be you who’s driving either. X

I think a lot of hospitals have schemes so you don’t have to pay for parking .When I went for radiotherapy they gave me a pass to use for the whole 3 weeks .You do need to ask though, they don’t always tell you these things !!!

The free parking and how they process it depends on hospital you are at. I am at Shrewsbury hospital and they have a touch screen at reception, you enter your reg number on it at every appointment to get free parking for that visit. I don’t think free parking is universal unfortunately but most hospital do a discount for frequent visits, so it’s worth asking what’s on offer.