Dear Forum Users
There is a specialist treatment centre at Northwick Park Hospital, providing Menopause advice and treatment for women who have had breast cancer or have a family history of it. They offer a dedicated monthly clinic within the NHS menopause service offering support, advice and treatment if appropriate.
For more information, please follow the link below
I have posted about this clinic in the past and they are happy to take out of area referrals… So you can request a referral via your GP.
There are apparently only two dedicated BC menopause clinics in the country this is one of them.
Lulu x
Looks great but most things seem to be in London and apart from the journey there is the enormous cost of going by train. Of course I was happy about that when I was living in London but now it’s a different story.
Wish we could see more out of London in terms of these sorts of things but I guess that’s where the larger population is and the most hospitals, universities etc.
I’d love to go such a clinic and will be interested to hear more about it from any women that have been or do go.
Elinda x
I got a referral to one based in Edinburgh’s New Town. The see women from out of the area referrals and you stay in the system for 5 years in case you need to see them again. I was referred by my oncologist’s Registrar. Just thought I’d post that for any of the Scottish ladies on here.
The menopause clinic in Edinburgh has moved from dean terrace in the new town to a combined family planning and GU medicin clinic at the old chambers hospital… In Scotland you can go to any GU or family planning clinic even if not from the area however there are no specialist menopause clinics for breast cancer patients, but most clinic will run a general menopause clinics and some of the clinicians have a special inerest in breast cancer patients like the Edinburgh clinic and Sandyford in Glasgow.
Elinda if you click this link from menopause matters website it tells you where local menopause clinics are for your area… They most likely won’t do specialist BC meno clinic but they may be able to help with your problems…
Thanks Lulu, sadly nothing near me at all. It’s my fault for moving to the sticks. If I’d known I was going to get breast cancer I wouldn’t have moved here, it’s been a nightmare all round - getting to the hospital, lymphodema clinic appointments and generally feeling very cut off.
Oh well, I need to look at the bright side and all the beautiful countryside. My husband loves it here but I’ve persuaded him to move in 6 years…
Elinda x
Hi Lulu, whilst the clinic at Dean Terrace was a general clinic, the Consultant gynaecologist I saw specialised in treating women who’d had breast cancer (and other female cancers I think) which was why I was referred to her. She was very good and explained everything very clearly to me and what my options were.