NHS: Rapid Uptake of Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer Prevention

What is the project about?

The project aims to improve patient care and outcomes by increasing prescribing of Tamoxifen as a preventative measure for women at increased risk of developing breast cancer, and reduce the number of women developing breast cancer overall.

Who is organising it?

Lauren Brain and Sophie Parslow, from NHS England and NHS Improvement

Contact email: 


Contact phone: 07714842349

What is the criteria for taking part?

it is essential that you have been referred to a genetics centre or family history clinic and been offered Tamoxifen as a preventive measure, or you may have been referred and considered at increased risk, but not been offered Tamoxifen

What do I need to do?

We need two patient representative to share their views and/or experiences on Tamoxifen use for breast cancer prevention. The positions are remunerated.

To apply for the role please read the role description, and use the application form attached.

For more information contact: Sophie Parslow (Public and Patient Involvement Project Support Officer) and Lauren Brain (Relationship Manager for Tamoxifen) at england.aacppi@nhs.net, by 11:59pm 31 January 2021.

When is the deadline?

11:59pm on 31 January 2021