Hi all, I wasn’t sure where to post this. Does anyone know anything about the NHS wig voucher. I saw the oncologist yesterday and they advised I would get a voucher and they provide details of recommended local suppliers.
My query is in the paperwork it advises the voucher is only for a synthetic wig, I want to get a human hair wig as my hairdresser said he could trim it etc similar to the style I have now. Can you use them as a partial payment?
I have 3 wigs. One is from NHS where they paid £80 towards it. They only had synthetic ones.
My orher 2 my hairdresser sorted. She bought, coloured and cut for me exactly how I have my hair. Do you have a good hairdresser you are in touch with? If you do it may be better as altjough you get money towards a wig you may not get what you need and to pay a little more dmfoe real hair would be better.xx
The area I’m in (norwich) ,they have a company come to the Big C centre and you can only use your voucher with them.
They could get me a real wig but hadn’t brought any the day I went for my fitting… She was rubbish frankly, 30 min appointment and didn’t even get a wig on my head!!! She did say any wigs over the £80 you could have and pay the additional amount, so hopefully you would be able to aswell!
I bought one privately instead. I had a much better experience but did have to play for it all myself, no voucher allowance for me!
Quite tempted to go back and get a synthetic one as I am entitled to it!
Rabbit where you are depends on wig voucher amount
My voucher was for £105 and I could use it as part payment towards my wig
I got 3 but opted for synthetic they were cut to suit me
I got synthetic as easier to care for but it’s down to personal choice
Synthetic ones cost me about £250 each real hair was about £400 if you make sure you go to specialist shop they will advise you and consultation is usually free xx
Hi Rabbit, you don’t say what region you are from. I’m from the north, and there was no cap on the cost of my synthetic wig. I was so very very pleased with my wig. It was over £300, looked very natural. Did not need trimming as it was layered and looked exactly like my own hair and only needed a wash and flick to look hairdresser new. I think people assume synthetic = Barbie, and it just isn’t so! The advice from my wig supplier was to go light weight on a lace cap, and hand woven. I went a little shorter so that the ends didn’t rub on my neck and split, and of course, no leaning over the BBQ!
My Onco gave me my prescription for my wig at my first appointment,which I then went and exchanged for a ‘wig chitty’ from appliances. I then trotted off to the preferred supplier. Tried on six , and came home with my chosen lovely wig. It’s so important to feel good. X