NICE Approves Lipofill after BC

Interesting to note that NICE has recently approved the use of lipofill (fat removal and re-injection) for BC patients. The guideline states:

“This procedure can be offered routinely as a treatment option for restoring breast volume and shape after breast cancer surgery provided that doctors are sure that:
• the patient understands what is involved and agrees to the treatment, and
• the results of the procedure are monitored.”

Good news, volume and shape would both be good outcomes for me xx

Hopefully it will improve the chances of women being offered this option on the NHS now NICE have approved it. Most of the earlier posts on this subject were from women who’d had to go privately for it.

Hopefully, mine is via the NHS although last year it hadn’t been improved, it has now xx

I had to pay privately for my first lipofill (£2,800)but am now on the NHS waiting list for my next top up.

I would consider this for my lopsided boob, but am also on a rads trial so have boobs photographed. I doubt if they would consider me.

I saw my oncologist yesterday, and he tells me I am eligible for lipofill (after WLE and radio)which is just great. It’s only a little bit of assymetry and he’s very happy to do the proceedure, so keep asking.

Now looking forward to a matching pair!!

Likewise, I am eligible and I have had a WLE and rads so I don’t think being on a rads trial would be an issue. My surgeon said they were “trying to remember back who had expressed an interest” now that they had the go-ahead, so it might be worth anyone who does want this to at least ask the question in case they have slipped through the net? xx

Ladies this SUCH good news for those of us who had WLE and radio.
My oncologist doesn’t want to do surgical reduction (I understand why) but told me last week he would be willing to offer lipofilling - hurray!!
But just having a rest from it all for a few months, roll on next appt in June.

grumpy (getting more cheerful…)


I had my lipofill yesterday at Exeter on NHS, I must admit it was not as traumatic as I thought. I have lost a lot of weight recently and was told that I did not have much fat (first time I have ever been told that)i am various shades of blue and purple and a bit sore, but even though I know I will loss some of it, it is nice to look down and see a cleavage for what seems ever.

Lorraine x

Hi All

I think it’s fantastic that we are now able to have Lipofill after BC it’s given reconstruction surgery a major boost. I was diagnosed with BC just over two years ago I have a bilateral mastectomy and tissue expanders followed by implants. I didn’t get on very well with implants, they folded. Anyway to cut a long story short I’ve discarded my implants and had large volume fat transfer which until recently has been uncommon in Britain although my breasts have gone from a 34F to 34 A/B it’s so lovely to have soft breasts again. The procedure I had was the water-jet system which allows larger volumes of fat to be collected and injected. I’ve got a second fat transfer op due in the next 8 weeks and I should be complete, which is amazing, I shoud be a 34 B/C! Good luck to everyone out there on this tough journey! xxx

Great news about the lipofill. I had asked about it but was told that i would need too many ops as my recon had shrunk so much. So i’m heading for an implant. Interesting to hear about the large volume fat transfer. Where did you get it done and was it NHS??? Would you say its been successful for you Hairbrain??

very interesting thread, i didnt know lipofill wasnt available. i had LD flap with fat transfer 2 years ago on NHS and further fat transfer this january. I chose this as my best option and am very happy with the results, saw surgeon yesterday and we are now on the homeward straight, just the nipple now. I would recomened this type of recon as it gives a very natural result… good luck all of you starting out with your recons x

I had a bilateral mastectomy in March with LD reconstruction, after 6 weeks the muscle has shrunk, my surgeon was brilliant and advised I had the fat transfer operation, hoping this will be done in July/August when internal healing has settled down as it is still early days. Feel more confident about this now that I have read all your postings. x