It’s always good to have evidence to support decision making, In looking for evidence in the Tamoxifen- anastrazole- letraxole debate I found the new NICE. Guidelines ( july 2018) helpful. I was diagnosed in 2017 before the guidelines.
So in my recent 6 monthly appt I asked my consultant to run my parameters through the PREDICT tool, as quoted in NICE This shows how much benefit there is from 5 years hormone therapy, at 5 10 and 15 years after.
It shows overall survival and added survival rate for your parameters , with the hormone therapy. If the survival figures may not be your thing I’m sure the consultant could just type in and keep the screen to themselves and tell you the benefit. I was at a point where I wanted to ask and was ready to hear the results.
I was on Anastrazole for a year and switched to Letrazole 6 weeks ago. I needed to know what the benefit might be - think I will continue for now.