Have just been reading your reply to Princess18 regarding rads. Do you mind if I ask how many lymph nodes did you have involved?
I am going for mast. with recon and aux clearance end of september, but sypmtons started with a painful arm and I am convinced that several lymph nodes will be involved. Hope you do not mind me asking.
No I don’t mind you asking at all, I had them all out and 10 infected. If it’s any consolation my arm had no symptoms at all. I went with a lump in my breast, the other side from the armpit, almost right in my cleavage. The consultant spotted one small enlargement in my armpit that I hadn’t noticed, She was surprised that so many were infected as she had only noticed one being enlarged and the lump had grown so quickly.
Thanks for that. I take it you then went on to have chemo and rads. When were you diagnosed?
Sorry to ask so many questions - but can not see anyones profiles.
Just want to get surgery sorted and get on with the chemo.
Thanks for your reply. Yes I am at the beginning of treatment - had a WLE and SNB in august to be told now need mastectomy with LD recon(my choice) and total aux. clearance then chemo starting end october and rads after.
Just getting concerned about how far it has spread. The thought of chemo terrifies me but this site has been wonderful and making me realise that it is doable.
Have you finished your rads - know what you mean about petrol bill - did you have to travel far?
Glad chemo was better than expected - I am hoping to continue as near normal as possible.