
Hi All

Last night I had an awful nightmare where I was told my cancer had come back. I woke up crying and now I am thinking is it giong to come true??

DOes anyone else have nightmares like this?

Love to all

Alise x

Hi Alise

I’ve had similar dreams and they are just horrible - not only do we have to live this but we also dream it! Anyway don’t believe that because you dreamed it that it will happen! I know it’s hard and every little thing can set you back.

Ruby xx

Hi Alise

The thought of your cancer returning must be fairly prominent in your mind to make you dream about it. As for it coming true, do you really think dreams are a premonition about the future. I don’t. I think they just reflect our worries and when I have a bad dream like yours,I am always so pleased to wake up and find it was only a dream. Have you always been like this since treatment or is it getting worse?

The psychologist I have been seeing for counselling told me at my first session that this is very common in cancer patients. I was experiencing this and it escalated to dreams about terminal illness.

I changed my bedroom furniture round as I was associating it with being ill (I had 4 months of last year where I was in bed most of the time). I also changed the curtains and took all the distractions out like the TV/DVD player. Every night when I went to bed I lit incense and put a relaxation CD on in the background and after 2 weeks I starting sleeping soundly. I kept up with the incense and the cd for a while, but I now find I no longer need them and have only had 2 “episodes” in the last 4 months. I also try to keep to routine bedtimes and getting up times which I find helps a lot.

last night i drempt my husband dropped dead and i had to tell my father in law!, he has been dead for over a year i hate nightmares

I have rarely in 5 years dreamt about my cancer. The nightmare is waking up and it’s true.


I had some pretty wild hallucinatory dreams on Tax, which I gather isn’t that uncommon. There was the one about the lightning trapped inside my body and trying to get out, the invisible being who was hammering 6-inch nails into my feet (and hello peripheral neuropathy shortly afterward), and the absolute classic, the giant vice which was closing and crushing my head.

I woke to find I’d got my head into the gap between bed and wall, and ears had folded forward and been squashed…extremely painful, I don’t recommend it.

As an inveterate insomniac, I find as much fresh air and exercise as I can fit in during the day helps. Or a large gin and tonic!


I was hallucinating on the combination of Tax and Tramadol. I have never had such weird dreams.

Reading these posts have made me feel a bit more normal, as i too have recently been having similar dreams, i don’t sleep to well as it is, so glad to see that i am not alone.

Hi alise

nightmares you say mine are getting to thepoint when i am scared to go to sleep they are so real always seems to be somthing pulling covers of me in bed , or pulling me acros the floor i havent had many but i wake up so scared i even ask my husband to stay with me {things must be bad haha} i always have thre feeling its a cat that is doing this , i lost my cat to illness 6 years ago but he never moved with me to southport so les {husband} says its my imagination which it could be or is the medication doing it i am on arimadex, i also have stooped sleeping not just because of nightmares but i dont seem to be able to get more than a 3 hours any night i dont do much as i am dissabled but always slept befor medication, they say you carnt die of lack of sleep i wonder if They have ever done it .
marie x