
Hi, I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post this so apologies if it breaks any rules. My aunt makes nightshirts for breast surgery, she came up with the idea after her daughter’s surgery and I used them when I had WLE and lymph node removal earlier this year. They are really comfortable and come with poppers down side so that drains are easily accessilble. It is such a good product and no-one really knows about them which is such a shame. I just thought that is anyone was having surgery they might like to have a look.

All the best to you all.

I tried to look at these on Facebook and eBay but could only see small picture on fb and no details… May be due to me using an I pad … Don’t have computer. I just think they sound Really interesting do you know how I can access more details
Cheers Helen x

You’re right there is only a small pic and her website is offline. I didn’t realise sorry. I will let her know and see if she can put some pics on facebook. They really are fantastic and I can’t rate them highly enough.


Managed to find nightshirts on web. Am due to have reconstructive surgery soon and will definitely be ordering.


I’ve pm’d you guys, hope that’s ok.
