I went to the GP because I had a severe pain in one breast behind the nipple (I’m 29, no kids). She examined me and found NO LUMP but saw that my nipple was ‘pointing up’ if you know what mean, so she has reffered me (non urgent) to the clinic. Anyway, the pain went after about 36 hours and I have my appointment next week.
Since then though I have become more aware of my breasts and have now noticed that in the same breast where I had the pain the nipple is often inverted for no reason or pointing in an upwards direction. It’s like there is something inside the breast pulling on the nipple which makes it go into funny shapes. Surely things are ok if there is no lump though??
After scouring the internet I am now so worried I feel sick. My appointment is in 5 days, but I think it’s just to see a specialist ie. not a ‘one-stop’ clinic. Does this mean they can do an ultrasound or will that require another appointment?
So glad I found this forum as I don’t have many people to talk to and I’m really struggling.
Hi Worried29
It’s hard not to worry, but it often seems that if you have pain then it could be something simple - its the silent things that are the problem. All you can do is hang in there and wait to be seen. Probably what will happen is that you may have an aspiration which is taking a sample from the area. That may be done on this appointment. If this looks unclear, you will probably have to have further tests, including an ultrasound and biopsy which will be another appointment although you may get this really quickly.
I was diagnosed 1 week ago with breast cancer and will be going in on Monday for surgery. It is scary but I am learning to face each stage as it comes along.
Good luck and keep us posted.
hi worried29,
i have been diagnosed with bc, i am also 29 years old i have 5 children, they say the younger you have children the less risk you have to bc, well in circumstances that isn’t always true, i noticed something was wrong about 18 months ago when i had blood stained discharge from my right nipple, didn’t think anything of it(as you do as you think nothing like that would happen to you!) then i noticed that my nipple seem to be moving downwards as if someone kept placing it lower and lower, i have never had any pain with this, due to our age you will more than likely have biopsy then a scan, i was really lucky i found out straight away, yes you probably are feeling really scared it is hardest waiting to see what happens, all i can say to you is that this forum is fab, peopleno how you feel, you are never alone trust me.
anyway just remember that there is always someone to talk to please keep in touch to let us no how you got on good luck with your appointment. best wishes northy x