Nipple Discharge: SCARED

Hello, I am so grateful for this forum! I am 42 and had some clear unilateral spontaneous discharge twice on the left breast and what I believe to be a tiny spot of blood on my shirt. I went for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. They didn’t find anything. My doctor, and later the radiologist, also tried to get discharge to come out at the appointment to send for testing and nothing. I can’t get any out when I try either. It just happened spontaneously twice.  My question is: how many DCIS or papillomas are missed on Dx Mammograms and ultrasounds? And if you had discharge, did it disappear and then come back again a few weeks later. Feeling very scared. Thanks for any insight and support. 


Thank you for posting and we’re glad you’re finding the Forum useful.

Whilst you wait for someone to reply to this topic, you can browse our website which has more information on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer:

You may also want to call our specialist breast cancer nurses on 0808 800 6000. They can provide clinical information.

I hope this helps. Best wishes,


Hi JMMJ - I wanted to welcome you to this lovely forum. I’m sorry I can’t help with your question but would agree with Saskia that you might like to speak to the nurses on here. But we are also here to chat/listen at any time too. Hugs, Evie xx

Hello, as every situation and person is different it’s best to be guided by your specialist team. When I had nipple changes and discharge I had mammo, ultrasound and biopsy at breast clinic which showed pre cancerous cells which needed to be removed. Diagnosed with Paget’s disease which is rare. Seeping did stop and start while I waited for  my appointment, I do have a family history of breast cancer. Further MRI showed 4mm calcifications. Further biopsy showed precancerous cells at calcification. Told nothing to worry about, precancerous and no need for rushing.  I had my op last Thursday to remove both areas and am doing well, it’s really scary but if your still concerned please ask to be referred back to clinic or speak to bcn or consultant again. I got part of my pathology back and i do have a DCI (was told I didn’t after mammo and mRi) with 5mm invasive ductal carcinoma within it. All margins were clear thankfully but I now have to have a sentinel node biopsy to ensure no lymph involvement on 7th December. I am so thankful the consultant and MDT took the time to do all the tests as everything is still in relatively early stages. When I started this journey I was assured as it was all precancerous changes it would be fine, as things have progressed I realise I am very blessed to have the IDC found at this stage and size. Time will tell what the rest of pathology shows but if you’re feeling unsure or still concerned make sure your voice is heard, it’s your body and life. I don’t know the answer to how many times things are rated benign etc but I had a mammogram last year and it didn’t show any concerns. None of the surgeons, and I saw three, were concerned about DCI due to my test results but here I am having had both DCI, iDC and Pagets diseased cells removed, praying no node involvement. Not trying to scare you further but be sure you’re happy with the teams findings, any further concerns go straight back. Wishing you well :slightly_smiling_face: