I have been referred to my local breast clinic after having a pinky red discharge on my bed sheet/pj’s after lying on my chest overnight. This first happened to me four years ago. After having a mammogram and ultrasound, I was given the all clear and diagnosed with Mammary Duct Ectasia.
I recently returned to see my GP after having a bloody discharge, once again on my bed sheet. My GP said my breast was very lumpy and she could feel a thickening of the breast tissue. I am now worried sick! I have an appointment for a mammogram on the 12 August and a follow up appointment for 16 August. Has anyone out there had symptoms similar to mine?
There was a similar threat a wee while ago I will try and find it and paste the link for you. The woman who posted had the symptoms you described and had a two week wait until tested. She was found not to have cancer but Duct Ectasia and something else. I hope someone else comes along with this experience who can advise you and it turns out to be nothing sinister.
Many thanks for taking the time to reply, most appreciated. Hopefully a few more people may have been in a similar position and can offer further information, but to those that have replied thus far, my heartfelt thanks.
Welcome to the BCC forums, here’s the link to the BCC publication ‘Referral to a breast clinic’ which you may find helpful to read as it contains information about what you can expect from your appointment:
Here is a link to the previous discussion from another lady, you will find my comments on it and various others, thankfully for catsmother it turned out to be nothing serious, so hopefully it will be the same for you too.
Feeling really scared at the moment. I was awake nearly all night worring about my mammogram tomorrow and then the agonising wait until Monday for my results. Wish i could find a way to feel stronger, although I’m not screaming outwardly, I scream night and day inside! Dramatic I know! x
Please phone the helpline. It will help you enormously. Even if you have phoned them before- phone again. It does no good to bottle these things up inside. You are under a lot of stress and the worry of what might be can seem overwhelming. Remember your results could still be good- we do get a lot of good news on this site- but those people move on so all the evidence of positive results disappears too. Take care- dx
Woke feeling down in the dumps and sore. My armpit aches and my left breast is so, so painful. Sat here convinced I have cancer tears flowing down my face. Wish it was Monday tomorrow… x
Well had my appointment this morning… Mammogram clear, completley normal, however, got to go back for an ultrasound as the consultant thought he could feel a cyst. More tears, more worry and feeling very low. I feel so sore where all that prodding and poking has been. Has anyone else had experience of cysts? Still scared I have cancer.
Been feeling terrible the last few days. The waiting around for appointments is really getting to me. I feel scared and so worried I can hardly function. My left breast is so sore I can hardly touch it, are cysts sore? How did the consultant know it was a cyst? All these things going on in my head and am convinced I have something sinister.