Nipple discharge

Hi all I’m new to this so please excuse my lack of knowledge, I’m 37 and over the last few months i noticed i had a thick dark almost green discharge from my left nipple. I recently told my Dr who examined me and then booked me into a local breast clinic (my appt. is 20/05/08). She didn’t seem too concerned until she examined under my left arm and asked me had i noticed a thickening there, I told her no but that my under arm and left arm as a whole would ache most days. I just wondered if anyone had had similar symptoms and what the outcome was for them.

Hi Alex

I dont know if you have read any of my posts but I had the same thing, on both sides. I had mammogram and ultrasound and the consultant took a smear of the discharge I got the results in a letter and was told that blood was found on both sides and I was asked to go back in three months (which is on 29th) Im guessing that they are waiting to see if anything develops in the meantime, which it has on my right breast, which has grown about half a bra size so will need to be checked again.

The consultant wasnt worried about the discharge before the traces of blood were found so Im hoping yours will be ok. Good luck with your appointment.

Let me know if you want to ask anything while you are waiting. i come on here most days.

Yvonne xx

Hi Yvonne and thank you,

I’ve been frantic for more information. All the sites refer in the main to lumps, which I didn’t think I had till the Dr made me aware of the area under my armpit, which I still wouldn’t call a lump, more a thickness. In the main it seems that most nipple discharge is related to non malignant conditions. So I’m hopefull that the recent sleepless nights will have been for nothing.

Whether it’s good , bad or I’m kept in limbo a little longer it’s good to know this site exists, I’ll let you know how the appt. goes. Thank you for the encouragement Alex

Hi Alex

Im glad you feel better. Good luck for tomorrow. xx

Yvonne xx