nipple discolouration

Hi all, my name is Lyndsey and im 25 yrs old.
And here is my story so far.
For the past yr I have had a nipple discolouration which is a brown/black colour, which I have never bothered worrying about, but 2 weeks ago my lymph node in my neck flared up and has become quite large now, so off I trotted to the doctors and he told me not to worry, go home check for any other lumps and come back if I find anything, or my lymph node is still enlarged, I have been examining my breasts since, but is hard to do so as im 4.5 mths pregnant, however this nipple problem seems to of the bottom of my nipple, I have no other symptoms apart from shooting pains.
Ive managed to get in the docs at 4.10 but I can not find anything on the net about my condition and the symptoms, as breast cancer does run in my family, could I have it too??

Dear Lyndsey

Welcome to the BCC forums where I am sure other users will be along with support and infomation for you, you are welcome to call our helpline for support on 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm. I posted your query in the ‘Have I got breast cancer’ too where other people may be around to offer you their experiences.

The following link will take you to a BCC publication called ‘Breast changes during and after pregnancy’ which you may find helpful to read:

Best wishes

Hi Lyndsey, be on the safe side and have it checked out with your GP, cannot emphazise this enough, good luck take care junieliz