Nipple injection

Hello everyone,


i had a lumpectomy 7 weeks ago and have noticed that my nipple on that side (  my op was down the side of my left breast )  is kinda blue looking n seems to be stuck in.  I have tried pushing n poking it but doesnt seem to want to ( pop ) out.  Anybody else had this please.   Did i have an injection in the nipple i wonder… And pushed it in ??


thanking you and look out for your replies. ?:relaxed:

Hi mini mad,

I am sure some of our users will be along to share their experiences soon. 

In the meantime you can always post on our Ask the Nurse board or call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, who will be able to talk you through any questions you have and offer a friendly ear.

Best wishes,


I’m sorry no one has responded to you. I have a feeling no one has had this experience. I would advise giving your Dr a call. Welcome to the forum. We all like to chat on the bone mets thread. I could be wrong, but I have the impression  that you have primary breast cancer. This part of the forum is for ladies who the breast cancer has returned in.  If yours has returned come join us on the bone mets thread. That is where we all seem to hang out and chat.  FF