Nipple recon and uplift

I had a TRAM flap recon this time last year and am really happy with it. Today I had a call from the hospital with a date 30th June for my uplift on my old breast and nipple on my new one. The PS also talked about taking fat from above my tram scar and transferring it to my new breast to increase the fullness. I think I read somewhere that afterwards this area is more painful/uncomfortable than the new nipple. Any experiences of this ?
Also how long did you have off work?

I had an immediate dep recon following my left mx in oct 09, unfortunately due to problems during surgery, I could not have my reduction and uplift to good side. I therefore had this performed on the 20th April and am due to have nipple recon tomorrow. All I can say regarding the pain that it was sore but mainly around the drain site and this did get better once drain was removed. It didn’t stop me moving around but I also had loads of lipo to improve abdo scar contour. This wasn’t too sore but felt like muscle cramps but unfortunatey I have a chronic back problem and this flared up and gave me loads of pain. I am, needless to say a bit apprehensive regarding tomorrow but I have been assured both by the hospital and other ladies on this site that the nipple recon will not be painful. I don’t appear to have much feeling in my recon anyway. I will post after procedure as to how it went.
Good luck for your up and coming sugery


Hi Esskayeff,

I said I would post following my nipple recon so here it is! Went in for procedure and hunky Dr then started to “mark me up”. Injected local but coudn’t even feel that needle going in so went on with procedure and did not feel a thing except pressure - not unpleasant or painful. Result 1 new nipple slightly on the large side to allow for shrinkage and covered in dressing so can’t see how it is coming along! Back on mon for dressing change and first real look. Hope it is ok and looking forward to tattoo in a few months time - yipee nearly at the end!!

Marjay x

Hi Marjay
Had my pre op assessment today. Did they say how long dressing stays on nipple ? Did you have much bruising when they did the lipo? Let me know what it looks like on Monday!!
