Nipple Recon

To all those of you who have opted for a nipple recon, could you share your experience with me please?

I have a date for mine at the end of the month, after a very long recon journey and was just seeking other people’s experiences and thoughts.
Do you like it?
How does it feel?
Does it make you feel any better about your recon?


Hi Naz,
I had a nipple share about 18 months ago. So not the standard way using a flap. Then I had a tattoo. I would definitely recommend it, it makes a huge difference to the look of the recon. It looks far more like a real boob. I now change at the gym without worrying about anyone seeing me. Despite the surgery scars (I had a delayed LD flap) now I feel that anyone giving me a casual glance while changing would not notice anything unusual.

Thanks for your reply Road Runner.
That has helped alot as i cant really see beyond the huge scar at the moment.
I am hoping that the nipple will give me something else to focus on (if you see what i mean) as at the mo it looks very much like a blank canvas.

Di you have one lot of tatooing or several?

Amazing how quickly you forget, but I think I had two lots of tattooing. They said most women have two or three sessions - they would carry on until they got the desired result. And as it can fade over time (it is pigment that is used rather than ink as in an ordinary tattoo) I can go back at any time to have it topped up.
I still have noticeable scars from the LD flap surgery, for some reason these ones are still quite pink rather than fading to white, also the skin tone on the skin from my back is slightly different, but with the nipple recon it gives the eye something else to focus on and so distracts from the scars etc.

Hi Naz,

I had a nipple recon in august after a DIEP/mx op last November. I’m really pleased with it, there is so much difference…and it didn’t hurt or hither me at all. I had a nipple made using the skin from the flap…there’s a very thin scar line across (just) the flap but with tattooing it won’t be noticeable.
Another lady with whom I’m in touch had hers done yesterday and says the same…no pain, no problem.

If you search under" nipple" or “stage 2” you should find what I wrote in more detail…and I also posted a few days ago under touch ups. If you pm me your email address I’m happy to share before and after photos.

Good luck

Hi Naz

In addition to the support and shared experiences here you may find our ‘One to one support’ service interesting, here you may be able to put in touch with someone by telephone with a similar experience to yours, for example, someone who has undergone nipple reconstruction, if you want to find out more about this and our other support services you can do so via this link:

Best wishes



I had nipple reconstruction and an uplift on good side 2 weeks ago. Swelling is going down and it looks quite good. I have an appt with plastic surgeon in 4 weeks and will ask him about tattooing. If you have any questions just ask.
Good Luck
Carolyn x

Thanks for your reply Carolyn.
I am kind of excited at the prospect of having a nipple - it has been so long !
Where did your surgeon take the skin from?
Mine is coming from my back i am told…

Naz x

Hello Ladies!
I’m also having a nipple reconstruction, doig ear tidy up on left hip and removal of hardness on my reconstructed breast tomorrow 25 Oct. I had a mastectomy in Dec 2011 and diep flap reconstruction. I feel a bit nervous again as all those anxious feelings I felt last year have gone to the front of my mind again. It’s silly really, because last years operations were more serious and longer! I have been volunteering during this time for a community centre just to get back into the swing of things before returning to paid work if I can get it!!
Just wondered if anyone else felt the same way, anxious, worried etc. etc?! Just packing my bag for tomorrow, won’t have to take so much this time. Hope I’m not sick again after the anaestectic. Love to hear from anyone on the forum.

Hello Hamlet
I just wanted to wish you all the very best for your surgery tomorrow…
Mine is next Tuesday 30th and i am also feeling quite anxious and nervy…
As you mention, all those feelings come back the forefront of your mind, but i am sure all will be fine!

Hi there Naz
Thanks for your support, I appreciate it! I’m not the only one I know, so good luck and all best wishes for your op next week also! Let you know how I get on when I get back home… another spell in hospital, still not so long this time.

Hi Hamlet
Hope you are doing okay?
How long do you expect to be in for?
Take care.
Naz x

Hello there Naz
Just returned from Charing Cross Hospital today this p.m. I stayed in for 1 night. Still feeling groggy and a bit queasy but able to come home so just taking it easy at the moment. The nipple reconstruction and tatoo were done at the same time as well as the removal of skin on my left “doig” ear on my left side hip. Amazing really! I think all this took about 2hours and I took about another 2 hours to wake up in the recovery room… I do like my sleep it seems it took longer when I had my mastectomy last December, still that’s a more complicated operation.
The previous night the consultant/surgeon drew marks on the areas to be operated and checked with me what exactly I wanted done before I signed the consent form. She discussed what options to reconstruct the nipple. I opted for using the same skin/muscles of the reconstructed breast, where they “twist” the skin and then reconstruct the nipple. I haven’t seen it yet because all bandaged up. I have an dressing clinic appointment next Tuesday, so all will be revealed! Hope it looks good, however, I not one of these women who have to have every single measurement exact I trusted my surgeon enough to make a good job of the reconstruction when she measured me up.
I will take another rest for about a month then try to get back to my volunteering and then look for paid work but one that is suited to my capabilities not too stressful working in a stressed out office again. For once I will try and get a job I actually like doing, if I’m lucky!
Keep strong, have a good attitude towards your surgery, see it as get your life the way you want it to be from now on. I’m sure you have family and friends who support you they’re the ones that matter. Let you know what my new nipple looks like when I see it.
love Hamlet