nipple reconstuction

it’s been 6weeks now since i’ve had ld on both sides,how long does it take for swelling to go down? i’m new to this it was 2006 when i found out i had breast cancer,after having both breasts removed,8months of chem and then radio, reading what you all have to say is fantastic as i felt i was on my own!!! so if i can get any advice it will make some difference!

how long after surgery,does it take to get the nipples on ,whats the recovery time of that,and is it painful?!! i know they are taking skin from my inner thigh

Hi ema31

Welcome to the forums. I am posting a link to a BCC publication about breast reconstruction which you may find helpful to read whilst you await replies from your fellow forum users, you can read it via the following link:

You are also welcome to call our confidential helpline for further support and information on 0808 800 6000, it’s open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi ema31

I had my mastectomy with immediate recon in Sept 06, and I have just had the nipple recon on 2nd April this year. I had my scar on my back tidied up at the same time, and the nipple was made using some of this skin. It was not at all painfull, Had both ops together under local aneasthetic, and the result is fantastic!

I had the dressing on for 20 days, but it healed beautifully.

I am going back in November to arrange for the tattoo.

Best wishes

Deborah xx

thankyou deborah! did it take long for the swelling overall on your breasts to go down,i find in the morning i’m quite a nice size and by the end of the day,they’re quite large !

Hi ema31

Sorry its taken a while to reply, not had time to come on.

The breast that I had done, the swelling lasted maybe a few months, but it was never too swollen to start with.

It looks really good in comparison with the original breast, the surgeon did a great job.

Best wishes for your recovery.

Love Deborah xx