Nipple Tattooing

Hi Guys - not posted for a long time - too busy living my life after nearly 5 years of the dreaded ca - to all those who have helped me in the past MANY MANY THANKS - to all of those of you whom I haven’t spoken to before - keep logging on - this site is invaluable as you go through treatment and reconstruction. - Check out my profile for history - too long to go into now!!

Anyway - am having nipple tatoo tomorrow and I’m really nervous!!! How strange after all he ops/treatments/reconstructions etc - just hope they put it in the right place

Has anyone else had this done and how have you gone on - I am just hoping that this finishes my reconstruction off properly and I can say goodbye to this false nipple!!

Anyway - much luv to all of you and thanks for any responses


I am just about to go to the hospital for my 2nd and last tattooing session. It didn’t hurt, more of a tickling sensation, but if you are worried then I am sure they would offer you some ‘special cream’ (I think it’s what is often used for putting children’s canulas in - anasthetic cream put on in advance to numb) as the breast reconstruction nurses offered me some. The nurses decide which colour to use (mixture of 2 usually) and apply it matching as close as possible the other ( if you have one!-if not then you can probably have more input on design!!), and mine is an excellent match. AM looking forward to this being the end of any treatment, but obviously realise there will always be the check ups. (Diagnosed 2002, then 2008, so those are just part of my life now.) Good luck to you.
Ps. Reason it’s being done in 2 sessions is that tiny areas are missed, so a touch up job, but sometimes that’s not necessary.