Nipple Tattoos

Hi… I’m at the stage where I’m looking to get a nipple tattoo. I was recommended Karen Betts who from what I’ve seen is brilliant, however, her prices are a bit out of my reach and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations in the London/Southern area? Has anyone gone NHS and what did they think of the results?
Any suggestions would be great.

Hi Flipper - i’m at the opposite end of the country to be of any real help to you but wanted to let you know i had mine done on the NHS and am pleased with the result. We had a long chat about their success rate and she was advising me there’s been a marked improvement in “colours” over the past wee while - she was stating they have a success rate of two thirds of ladies signed off after first attempt, the remainder are entitled to another go. When i was “signed off” last week i was told if i ever needed a “top up” to lift the phone - i was really pleased by that, its not often its so easy to get back into the system. Good luck with your search.


I have had mine done recently in Leicester on the NHS. The staff were brilliant. Mine took two sessions. I was booked in for a third ‘just in case’ but cancelled it as I was happy with the result after the second, after it had settled down. I could have kept on going back until I was happy with the result. They said most ladies need two or three sessions, as they have a policy of being quite conservative the first time as they are never quite sure how each one will ‘take’ for each individual. If it fades in the future I can get referred again by my GP for a top-up.

Both my daughters (16 & 22) have seen the tattoo and have commented on how good it looks.