No change after 3 doses of FEC

My daughter in law hss been told that there is no change (no bigger, no smaller ) after 3 doses of FEC, and next time she will have something else in addition… does this happen often, and what will happen ? She will have prob a mx after this treatment… there is some involvement in the lymph nodes. Worried mum in law ! x

Hi glamgran
I had 3 FEC and then 3 TAX,Mine was after surgery though so don’t know if it worked but am 3 1/2 years after diagnosis and everything is fine, so hoping it did :). My Oncologist said that one of the reasons why they change after the first 3 was because there would be more chance that either one would work.In a way I think it is better to have chemo before surgery as you can see whether or not it is working and there are loads of different combinations to try,and those that don’t respond to one chemo may have a good response to another.I know of some who had no response to FEC but then changed to TAX and their tumours shrank and some even disappeared.

Best of luck to your daughter in law.


Thanks so much Stressy messy, and how fantastic that you are well and getting on with life, that is wonderful. I am probably worrying too much (is that possible !!!) but don’t want to bombard her with questions, she has enough to deal with !! What an emotional switchback this is isn’t it, but thank goodness for all of you fantastic ladies out there, many thanks again, hoping she will be the same as you… loads of good wishes, Glamgran.x

Give the helpline a ring - number at the top of the page. It is staffed by well-trained and well-informed staff who will be happy to talk it over with you.

Hi glamgran

It’s understandable that you are worried,sometimes I think the worry our family’s go through is the worst.Forgot to add in my other post that I also had a lymph-node involved,there are many women who have lymph-node involvement and are ok years on.Keeping my fingers crossed that your daughter in law has a good response to her next lot of chemo.

Love Melxx

Hi Glam gran sorry to hear about your d-i-l news. This time last year I had a MRI which showed no response in tumour after 3xchemo. I was distraught. Changed to FEC and a 2nd MRI after 3 more chemos still showed no apparent response. I was greeted by the surgeon and the Onc together who recommended immediate WLE ( lumpectomy) I also had ANC and guess what the surgeon was there as I woke up to tell me that there was a response and when the path report came back this was confirmed .I had been told by my Onc to possibly expect 3 more chemos after the surgery Grr. So what I am saying is that MRI is one tool but perhaps needs to be looked at in conjunction with other tests. I did not need further chemo and after surgery for better margins I had radiotherapy. I am now feeling quite well and back at work not quite full time but almost. Wishing you and yours well. J xx

Thankyou ALL of you for your replies, which are reassuring and so kind. The journey continues along its bumpy road … and with you all jogging along with the likes of me, it’s easier for us relatives than it would otherwise be, that’s the truth. A mssive thanks… speak soon no doubt, maybe with better news, fingers crossed. xx