No radiotherapy?

Went to see surgeon who said I may just have WLE with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy and then not require radiotherapy.

Should this be a relief to me? I feel concerned about seeding following the biopsy and think I would feel reassured to have radiotherapy. Anyone else any experience or thoughts 're this?

I have had surgery today 28.06.17.  I am awake now having had lots of sleep. Not in much pain having kept up paracetamol and ibuprofen regime.

Will get full results in 2 weeks I am told. Feeling worried about that too because each appointment and contact with medics has carried a little more information and complication.

I thought op date would be the end so to speak but now feel anxious again 're another 2 week wait.

Help. Diddy


I don’t think that they can truly tell you your treatment plan until those results are in. The difficult part is the waiting, I know, but use this time to recover from surgery. If you need radiotherapy, it really is nothing to worry about. Its honestly very doable.

Sending a gentle hug x



This is always the worst time waiting for results and we all empathise with you on that one.


I am sure your surgeon will clarify things when you go for your results,but ifnot you could always ask if they do not include it in your treatment plan as to why not.  As Sue says rads are very doable so dont worry if they do say you are to have it.


Helena xx

Hi Diddy
Only you can make that decision I’m afraid. For me, I accepted everything thrown at me! But then i wasn’t given a choice. If your worried about rads, it really isn’t that bad. What concerns does your husband have?
Sue xx