No symptoms

Hi I’m 54 and was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 1st April 2015 after a routine mammogram I’d no visible symptoms( I have 2 sisters who were diagnosed a few years ago they’re now ok) I was referred to an oncologist to be given the devastating news I had it in two places in my right breast and because of the distance between them it was advised a removal and reconstruction the following week I had an appointment with plastic surgeon who then told after he and the oncologist checked my scans they could save my breast and do a reduction after removal of the cancer my Op was the end of April and I’ve also just finished 4 weeks radiotherapy and I will be on Tamoxifen for the next 10 years I now have size 34C and a 34E the doctors say they can operate on my left breast to help them symmetrically I’ve heard that a reduction can reduce the chances of cancer appearing in the non cancer breast I’m not sure what to do has anyone experienced this best wishes to all x

Hi Alana101

So sorry you find yourself in this worrying situation but hopefully my own experience might put your mind at rest somewhat. I had what sounds a similar treatment plan to you but a bilateral therapeutic mammoplasty…both breasts reduced at the same time taking tumour out of one breast, followed by rads and now Aromatase Inhibitors for 5 years.  Our understanding of the surgery is that although by reducing the breast it does not actually stop you getting another cancer common sense tells me that there is much less tissue to get the cancer in…we discussed this with my Onc last week at a checkup and she did not disagree that this is a positive way to view the situation. Along with having breasts that match.  I am very happy with the results of my surgery and I went from an F cup to a C cup…if I could make one observation it would be that although they perfectly matched prior to rads they dont now as rads shrinks tissue so the ‘poorly’ one is slightly smaller. You would be in the advantageous position that the good one would be matched more closely to the ‘poorly’ one!




Hi Katie thank you so much for your reply it’s been a very difficult few months but my friends and family have been amazing very loving & supportive.Where to you live? I’m from Scotland.Sorry to hear that the end surgery result on your breasts wasn’t what you hoped for have your doctors suggested any forward plans.As you mentioned the radiotherapy causes so many changes to size,shape firmness etc I also had nipple necrosis which means the blood supply to my nipple was not very good causing it to go black and drop off I’m also experiencing blisters on my scars due to the radiotherapy but as each day passes I am getting better I feel positive that I am and will fight this thank you Katie for being there xx