nolans on the one show

nolans on the one show about genetic testing for anybody interested… its on now.



Just watched it. Very interesting. I was tested for the faulty gene back in April but still haven’t heard anything. Does anyone know if this is a normal length of time to wait.

Krissy x

krissy it can take anything up to a year… sometimes even longer.

if you have a mutation in the common parts then that can take about 4-6 months but if they have to search the whole gene then it can take much longer.

if you are found to have a gene and other members of you family want to be tested it wont take so long for them to find out as they can look exactly at the place identified.

so basically its like looking through a phone book for a single spelling mistake… obviously if it near to Z it will take longer to find than if its near the A end… and once its been found they can go directly to that point ijn others to see if they have it.

even with a strong family history most people will test negative for the brca1 and 2 genes only about 20% of all those tested result in a positive test… this means that your risk would remain unchanged if it came back that no gene change was found.

where as some body who had specific gene change in their family and they were tested and it came back negative then then thy wouldnt be at an increased risk and wouldnt require more indepth screening as they would be back tp the same as population risk.

hope that makes sense.


Thanks for that Lulu. God its so complicated isn’t it? Mind what you said does make sense, so I can understand how it can take a long time for results to come through. Thanks again

Krissy x