'Normality' and wobbles

I was diagnosed in November followed by mastectomy/DIEP reconstruction. I am now finding it hard to get back to some sort of normality and have weekly wobbles. My BCN has been great but I would like to know how other people deal with this and is it the mind catching up with the body.

Hi SJ19

While you are waiting for some replies to your post I’ve attached a link to the “Moving forward” section of the website.  I hope some of the information there might be helpful for you.

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi SJ19

I know exactly how you feel and even after finishing my treatment in Dec 2014 I still dont feel I am back to normal. I think it’s a case of taking each day at a time and allowing yourself time to heal physically and psychologically. I have heard some ladies say that they never really get over it and it’s with them every day but I am hoping that given time it will get easier and I hope it will for you too. Don’t try to rush it  or become upset with yourself. You have been through so much over the past months so you deserve to be gentle with yourself. Take care x

Hi ladies,

I am different, my perspective has changed. I dont feel doom ad gloom, but i am less tolerant. Active treatment ended sept 2014, first year mamo NED.

So… what is the issue ? It is me, my needs that were never great are now different. As i accept this change is afoot.

Good luck with any changes you instigate or not. My inner voice in this instance is right, but am still trying to keep a rational head too.

Definately not going to start base jumping or pot holing, (am not changed that much, nor that adventurous) but am re-evaluating.

Much love LL xx

Hi, yes my head maybe all over the place but I know what you mean about tolerance. I look on people differently. Everyone seem so stuck in their little ruts and don’t want to do anything about it. Perhaps they are happy but I want to go screaming down the road and grab life as I never have before. That’s probably why I have wobbles as reality doesn’t care about cancer or cancer about reality. That’s probably why coming to terms with all this is harder because there are a lot of things I can’t change and I want to.

Yes, cancer does change your attitude to life.  I am more feisty now, hence the name.  I love just sitting quietly watching nature. I refuse to stand nonsense from anyone and heaven help them if they try to give me any grief - I give it back to them in spades.  I am more tolerant and less judgmental. I am open to new ideas, embrace change and dress in a much younger way. I exercise regularly, have a slim figure and my BMI and blood pressure are in the perfect range.  I am much better at judging people. I can spot a ‘user’ or a con man (or woman) a mile away and I am ruthless at cutting this sort of person out of my life because these '‘energy vampires’ don’t give a damn about me so why should I give a damn about them?  I only want nice, kind people around me now and thankfully there are plenty of them about.  I was just minding my own business having a quiet meal with my family in a well-known popular pub chain/restaurant today when an aggressive weirdo (who was obviously alcohol dependent) decided to be verbally abusive to me - I just told the irritating to bod off (or words to that effect) - I have no patience with that sort of time-waster. I make the most of life now, don’t sweat the small stuff and enjoy every day to the full.