Nosebleeds on Tax?

Hi everyone

Just a quick one… I’ve NEVER suffered from nosebleeds before, and over the last 2 days have realised both nostrils have blood in them…

Is this normal on Tax or something I should report when I go for Tax2 next Thursday?

Thanks ladies

J xxxx

I’ve got them too, my nose is very sore inside and pretty much every time I blow it, it bleeds. I just put it down to being another tax SE.

Yep - had the same. I contacted my hospital and they checked bloods as it can be sign of low white count. Mine were fine but they did say that if I just had “spotting” not to worry but if there was any flow then to contact then again. I’d defintely report it when you go in next week and would advise you to contact them now if there is any “flow”.
Hope this helps and rest of SES are not too bad.

Hi Poannie
I had the same when I was on Tax. Onc told me it was nothing to worry about since it was just some spotting. It is one of the ses of Tax for some people I’m afraid, just make sure it is not constant i.e. with me it happened only the first 2 or 3 days after the Tax infusion and then stopped.

I had them fec and tax. Nothing too bothersome, just on the tissue. never bothered to mention it, it’s down to the dry nasal passage lining.

Same here while on tax.
Just blood on the tissue on and off for a couple of weeks.
K x

yes I had that too. My Onc advised squirting salt water up it! It worked! xx

Me too!

Me too - no huge flow just crusting blood and very dry lining.
If it’s bothering you you can buy some Sterimar Nasal Water Spray, that you spray up your nostrils to mositurise the lining, that helps.

Me too. I must admit my sore nose has been one of the worst side effects. Sometimes feel like crying. I’ve been putting vaseline up on a cotton bud, will try the other suggestions, thanks.

Thanks for the input guys - I don’t feel so bad now!! It’s not much, mainly in the morning just some spotting. Will mention it at clinic next week before my chemo.

Thanks again!!


I had nosebleeds constantly on Tax, a real nuisance. Mention it to your chemo nurse in case they want to do checks, but I fear it’s fairly common.

Me to bit vasaline works wonders


I’ve joined the bloody nose brigade too.

Thought I’d bump for new sufferers.


Hi, yes I had Tax last year and suffered nose bleeds, nothing terrible but it was as if the lining of my nose thinned out and it bled a lot and I had trouble stopping it. I remember going to the hospital for a scan and was bleeding all over the place but no one was concerned at all as it is very common.

I had a bloody nose. My nurse advised Vaseline which sorted it out.
X Sarah

Hi Everyone,

Me too - I have spotting. Started with right nostril (same side as BC) but it has now moved into left nostril too. Strange thing happened last tax dose…my sinuses filled up suddenly, like someone had opened the top of my head and poured water in! Ten minutes later it, whatever it was, poured out my left nostril without warning, in a stream (luckily I was at home, mystified). The right nostril was still stuffed and the right sinus was blocked too. By the next morning, when I woke up, it had all cleared. Very strange. I haven’t mentioned the bloody nose as I’d read it was similar to others’s experiences so thank you everyone for your suggestions. I will give them a try. Bella x