I’m hoping someone might have a similar experience. I had a 3D mammogram yesterday and an ultrasound. They did the first mammogram images, then within 2 minutes immediately called me back to do more, and then I was sent to ultrasound. My radiologist was very kind but came across as very concerned. She said she had to do a biopsy, that what she is seeing was not on my scans last year. When I asked if it could be a cyst like my previous biopsy she said it’s “definitely” not a cyst this time. I’m uninsured and she encouraged me to find health care that covers preexisting conditions as soon as I can. She told me “she’d help me every step of the way” and she hugged me which I know was meant to comfort me, but also has me wondering if she already knows something from the scans/ultrasound. I didn’t point blank ask her, because I was processing. They initial set my biopsy appointment for almost a month out, but 10 minutes later called to say they had an opening become available beginning of next week, first thing in the morning. I feel suspicious that maybe the doctor asked them to make an appointment available sooner…?
My main question is, if she knows it’s not a cyst and she said it’s not smooth or round/symmetrical, could she already know it’s cancerous from those scans?
Welcome to the forum . I think they have a good idea when something needs a closer look but can’t possibly know for sure til they’ve done a biopsy - anything even vaguely suspicious they will err on the side of caution . If nothing was seen on your last years scan chances are anything that has been spotted will be very early stage . .Fingers crossed for a positive result