Hi all,
May seem a bit too soon to be on here again but here goes anyway-last night i found another lump on the right side-having had previous mastectomy and RX on the left and also cervical cancer around 10 years ago.
I know that this could be anything but somethings telling me different.
I tried to get an appt with my GP for today but they couldnt see me til Monday so I rang the Macmillan nurse and she’s made me an appointment at the breast clinic for Monday!!!
Why is it self reason goes out the window with this sort of thing,
anyway, be back later if anyone fancies a ‘chat’, could do with some
Lou x
Hi Lou,
Common sense goes out the window and every ache, pain etc totally freaks you out! I am also going on Mon, found two small lumps other breast, doesn’t have to be anything but brain now going into overdrive.
Don’t know if I’m much help, but just wanted to say I have the same fears so you are not alone. Hope everything goes very well for you on Mon, all the very best and take care xx
Hi katy
thanks ever so much for that,I’ll be thinking of you also on Monday, let me know how you get on,I’m not expecting to get much sleep over the weekend worrying what it is and also is it just my imagination? (Don’t think its the latter as hubby felt it too)
Anyway, take care, back in touch again after hospital,
Lou xx
Thank you Lou isn’t it odd that you can’t trust your own judgement with anything remotely scary??? I feel the same like it’s just my imagination so very good to hear how much reassurance is needed, and it’s not just me! xx
Ahhhh, it is and seems so daft, i’ve got this horrible feeling when i see the consultant he’ll say ‘lump, what lump’??? and i’m gonna end up looking like a right wally and feeling as if i’ve wasted everyones time. I know thats not the case and you would think it would be a relief if there was nothing there! Then we go into the ‘what ifs’ and all the thoughts of past treatment come flooding back - just when i thought i could put that all to rest- how naive, anyway, spose take one day at a time and see what the consultant says.I saw him last time and really was nice, so onwards and upwards.
Your not on your own Katy - far from it! Take care over the weekend,
Big hug
Lou xx
Hi Lou,
I know you just feel stupid and you’re being a bother, and the worst thing is you know that’s really dumb feeling like that cause if it was anyone else you would be saying get to the docs right now!
I have not said anything to anyone (apart from on here), just can’t bring myself to say the words out loud. Thank you so much for your kind words, will be thinking of you on Mon, please let me know how you get on, great that your consultant is nice, makes things easier, good luck and hugs back to you too xx
you know the saying- a problem shared and all that, its a lot to carry on your shoulders not having told anyone your close to.
Is no-one going with you on Monday??
Its a great relief when you do tell, and probably they wont know what to say to you, but it might help?
Keep in touch,
Lots of love
Lou xxx
Lou, blurted it out to close friend and then burst into tears but you were right I do feel calmer now. I just didn’t want anyone worrying. I’m not like this usually, as I said in an earlier post I just wanted to bury my head in the sand this time. What a twit!! So many many thanks to you, especially as you are going through your own worries and you are reassuring me??? so thank you for your kindness and loads of hugs, xx
Hi Katy,
Glad to hear you’ve told a friend- it does help doesnt it?
I’ve told no-one except very close family and not even broached the subject with my son as yet-were waiting to see what happens on Monday then deal with that then. Hopefully it will be nothing and he’d not know i was worrying in the first place, not sure how he will take it?
Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
I’m glad i’m offering you some support,its lovely i have someone to share with as well, I don’t want to talk to Hubby too much about it as he’s terribly worried, and haven’t really shared my inner thoughts with him at all, again, that happens after monday!
Crikey do i wish it was over!!!
Anyway hun, relax as best you can, keep in touch, lots of love ( if u want my personal email let me know)