not expecting this news

Hi Jaydeek
Just caught your thread there, I am so very sorry that you have had to join us on here. Bless you, right now I know you are going thru such a hard time but you WILL find wonderful support online here with all your cyber pals. It is quite amazing how all the brave ladies on here can help each other. I was dx (diagnosed) Oct 23rd and had mastectomy with reconstruction on 1 Dec 2007. I could not believe that just a few months down the line I would be able to offer support to those who came after me but here I am and I hope that I can help you like all those who helped me.

Take care Sue, luvnhugsCarolexxx

Hi Jaydeek

I’m a ‘newbee’ too. I am 40 yrs old with a 12 year old and 7 year old. I never thought it would happen to me! I was diagnosed on 14th Feb and had a lumpectamy on 29th Feb, they also removed my lymph nodes, one of which was infected. I have just seen the Onclogist who is starting my chemo on 27th March. Although I am scared, I am also anxious to get the treatment started, as I feel I am on the road to recovery! Going for my wig fitting tomorrow, followed by some pampering with the beautician! I feel that this is a time for ‘ME’ and you should also take advantage of any help for yourself!

Good Luck

Tracey x

Hi Valindia

Welcome to the forums, if you look back over this thread my colleague has posted to jaydeek about a new resource pack which has been designed to help inform and support those newly diagnosed, you are most welcome to order a copy too.

Best wishes

hi everyone i have not been on iv had a bad couple of days only had couple hours sleep in 2-3 days dr gave me some sleepers but they have not workded im exhausted my hubby is taking me wales for a couple of days to my brothers chalet for a rest i cant concentrate im getting aggitated and shaking my legs all the time anyone got any tips to calm down a bit anything would be appreciated thanks sue xx

im back from wales my treatment starts soon got to have pre op assessment on friday i dont know what that entails my daughter is taking me shopping in manchester tomorrow to take my mind of it if only it would but iv got to try for her sue xx

Hi Jaydeek
Hope you enjoyed your little break. Its important that you try to get some sleep as worries seem so much worse when you are tired. I have a Paul McKenna dvd which is really relaxing, you could try a herbal product called Valerian ( health food shops ) I found it pretty good.
A pre-op is usually a chat with a nurse about your operation and what to expect in hospital, Also you will be weighed, examined and poss a blood test and a chest xray. My nurse was really nice and we had quite a laugh.
Best wishes to you
Love Andrea xx

Hi ladies,

With regard to herbal products, please don’t take anything herbal without first consulting with your medical team.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

hi everyone i have not been online for a few days its all systems go seeing drs and i have had my pre op assessment tomorrow its drs weds its injection and i have my op on thursday i think once the operation is over i will start to calm down i hope everyone else is ok thanks for everyones kind words sue xxxxxx

Hi Jaydeek

We’ll all be thinking of you going through this hectic week, it will be such a relief for you when this part is over. It’s now four weeks since my mastectomy, which was at the end of a week of appointments for pre-op, sentinel node biopsy, and a lot of shopping for the hospital stay! I stayed in 11 days because my drains were filling a lot but some surgeons are happy for you to go home with them in. My kids were looking after things pretty well at home so I was happy to stay in. I start chemo in a couple of weeks, dread that, with radiotherapy and tamoxifen to follow. It is all a bit of a blur at times, feels as if I’m watching it happening to someone who isn’t me - perhaps you can relate to this, all seeming unreal? Do keep talking with your children, it’s such an unfamiliar situation for them to be dealing with and I hope they will be a big help to you when you’re home again. Keep us posted and I’m sending you strength and lots of hugs (((((( )))))) Lyn xxxx

hi jaydeek
best wishes for yr op this week .hope yr time in hospital goes well. how is yr 13 year old coping. my son thomas was 13 when i was dx last july. at first he was really emotional about what was going on. when he came with me to onc appt the onc gave him a wee plastic card called tic(teen info on cancer) website is i dont know if this will be any help to u but u could have a look at website if u like.

best wishes and god bless

hi everyone im home from hospital now ,the op went ok got to go for physio on weds then back to see my consultant next week to see if it has spread so fingers crossed all will be well, i have slept constantly since thursday and iv had a bit of a problem being sick so the distict nurse has prescribed something for it hope everyone else is ok been thinking about you all love sue xxx

hi sue and welcome home. hope you feel better and stronger soon and good luck next week
best wishes