I was diagnosed last July and had a therapeutic reduction mammoplasty to remove the tumour along with wider margins and full node clearance. I then went on to have chemo and radiotherapy which finished end of Feb this year. I am currently taking tamoxifen and I have Herceptin every three weeks.
I always knew that after radiotherapy I would be having a reduction on my good breast as the difference was very noticeable and I did have to wear a prosthesis in order to even them out. I was a 34F before and I am now a D cup.
I went into hospital on the 27th May and had a reduction on my left breast but now most of the swelling has gone down I am not happy with it. The nipple is far too low compared to my right and to be honest I can’t bear looking at myself in the mirror. My husband as only seen it twice.
I went to clinic last week but my surgeon was not there so I had to see someone else and he was trying to calm me down by saying that it needed time to settle. I told him not to fob me off.!!!
I tried to get my point across that the breast that had the cancer in is great so why does the reduced one look like it does. In my eyes this was an easier operation. It is the same surgeon that has done both.
I am so disappointed as to me this was the last piece of the jigsaw especially as I have just finished counselling sessions and will be going back to work on the 23rd June after having nearly a year off.
I am going back in three weeks when I will see my surgeon and I know I should be grateful for what they have done.
I was wondering if any of you had been in the same situation as I would appreciate any words of wisdom!!
Hi Angela,
Just wanted to say that although I am not in the same situation as you, I can fully relate to where you are coming from. i have recently had an elective mastectomy (13th May) after having a mastectomy on the cancerous boob last july. Had immediatye reconstruction both times and my new implant has recently developed a “crease” which is really concerning me. I can so relate to you in that I also feel that I should be grateful with what I have got and that thios was my last step before I can move on.
Am seeing my surgeon on wednesday so will let you know what he says about the crease
take care
Hi Angela
I had mx on 10 April with reduction on good side was 38E now seem to be 42DD/E!! Still swollen my Ps keeps informing me tho I have had a HUGE blood blister in the crease underneath my good breast and have been going to dressing clinic weekly for the last 8 weeks but now its settled down a bit my boob seems to be same size as before and tho its more uplifted than before it has dropped quite a bit dosn’t match the prosthesis which looks good with clothes on.
Write down any questions (and answers) you want to ask because if like me you get worked up you will forget the questions and or the answers.
Hope it goes well
Love Jo
Just a point to Katy, my Plastic Surgeon has offered me liposuction to inject fat into the creases on my reconstructed breasts to fill them out, as I’ve put a little bit of weight on, and as I have the creases along both breasts has got worse. He did offer a date of two weeks away, but little bit nervous about it, as it could possibly damage implants etc. This is what they seem to offer for those kind of problems. Thought he might offer to put a slightly bigger implant to fill it out, but said would only give the injections of fat.
I had my breast surgery two years ago and my healthy breast is quite a bit larger than the other one.
I have been considering having it reduced but I am a little worried about having surgery again. I find it impossible to find bra’s to fit and I have stopped swimming as my costumes slip off the small boob which has no nipple.
The surgeons see so many women with odd breasts that it may seem ok to them.
The surgeon that did my original op was a woman but I have not seen her since, every visit is a new doctor.
We have some difficult choices to make.
Perhaps you could get your breast nurse to sit in with you when you see the sugeon.
Good luck Angela.